Here are the works I’ve published so far. Newest books are first, followed by links to the different categories of my books.
In July 2024, I completed story #7 in the Danny Tompkins short story series. “To Laugh Again” is short story #7 in the Danny Tompkins series. It covers Danny’s first time to laugh after his mother’s death and the guilt he felt, and adult memories of that event. I’m not sure if this completes the series. I’ll have to see what inspiration comes next. You can see the whole series at this Amazon link. Some of these stories are also available at Smashwords/Draft 2 Digital. Eventually I’ll have all of them published there.
In September 2023, I completed the fourth book in my Documenting America series. Titled Documenting America: Run-Up To Revolution, it covers the period from 1760 to 1775, when relations with Great Britain quickly deteriorated and the colonists started looking upon themselves as a nation in their own right.
I published it all to Kindle Vella, where it had almost no readers. So I have now published it as both an e-book and paperback at Amazon KDP in February 2024.
My latest book is The Key To Time Travel, Book 2 in The Forest Throne series. Eddie Wagner learns about the time portal near his grandparents’ home, and decides to have a bigger adventure than his older brother did. He has an adventure all right, but not the kind he expected. He goes to both the future and the past, and learns that neither time is any better than the present. He also learns that the forest throne works a little differently than his brother thought. Available at Amazon.
Letters Between Friends. This is the correspondence between me and my friend Gary Boden. He died in 2020, and I put this together to present to his widow and daughter. Others who also had a few letters in the book suggested it should stay for sale and announce it to a wider audience. So it’s for sale on Amazon. Here’s the brief back-cover copy.
Gary Boden and David Todd, friends at Cranston High School East, at URI, and then for life, exchanged letters throughout their years. This is a book of those letters, arranged chronologically. In these letters, the meaning of friendship comes to light.
Before this I published There’s No Such Thing As Time Travel, Book 1 in The Forest Throne series. It is available only at Amazon right now.
Ethan Wagner doesn’t mean to cause trouble.
But his imagination and desire for fun and adventure sometimes overwhelm him. When he found the strange rock formation down in the holler behind his grandparents’ Ozarks home, he was sure it was manmade. He called it “The Forest Throne”. When his sister found a peg that fit perfectly in a hole in the throne, he just knew it was a time portal that would take him to the future.
Grandpa said he’d better not mess with the throne. But, of course, Ethan can’t resist. He goes down into the woods when he’s told not to, sits in the throne, uses the peg to activate it and…nothing happens. At first. He doesn’t get transported to the future. But, when he steps out of the throne and removes the peg, the real adventures start.
Ethan’s disobedience results in the time portal being activated—not once but twice. No one seems to have a way to put things back the way they were. Ethan knows it’s up to him to right the wrong he’s done.
There’s No Such Thing As Time Travel tells the story of one boy’s encounter with the past—and the future—and how going between them may not quite be the adventure people think it will be.
Here’s the link to my Church History Novels.
Here’s the link to my other Novels and Novellas.
Here’s the link to my Unconventional CIA Agent short story series.
Here’s the link to my Danny Thompkins short story series.
Here’s the link to my Documenting America Non-fiction series.
Here’s the link to my other non-fiction books.
The following books/stories defy categorization, or are, at present, not part of a series.
Acts Of Faith
Examples From The Great Cloud of Witnesses
Throughout the Bible, we read many stories about people who had great faith in God and acted upon it. Hebrews 12:1 calls them “a great cloud of witnesses”. And, throughout Christian history we have had many people who have stepped out in faith and made a major impact in their world. They are now added to that great cloud. Acts Of Faith looks at these examples, showing how they made a difference by their faith. Available as a print book and e-book at Amazon, and as an e-book at Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other retailers. A Leader’s Guide for Acts Of Faith is also available.
This is my first book of poetry. Long finished, I had waited on publishing it in hopes that I could have it illustrated. Alas, lack of funds to finance it myself, along with the decision that the worlds would just have to make it on their own, led me to decide to publish this now.
It’s the story of a day a dad spends with his daughter. You won’t find any car chases in this. Not a lot of conflict, except the conflict in the mind of the dad as he regrets that he made the promise, almost didn’t fulfill it, and struggles with during the day. I include a couple of poems from the daughter’s perspective.
The poems are mostly in forms (as opposed to free verse), though not all are in rhyme. A couple of them make use of blank verse (un-rhymed but metered). Quite a few are short, either cinquains or haikus. I scatter some sonnets among them. Hopefully this will be enjoyable, not just for lovers of poetry, but for everyone who values family relationships.
At present it is available only as a print book at Amazon.
It Happened at the Burger Joint
Available at Amazon and other venues via Smashwords.
This short story is of a man back in the town he went to college in, who looks up a friend from forty years ago. He remembered the house she lived in when they worked together at the Burger Joint, while he was in college and she in high school. Sure enough, he finds her house, learns that she is still living there, but also that she is in the last stages of life after a fight with cancer. She wasn’t exactly an old flame, but they had had feelings for each other.
He spends a couple of hours at her house, getting to know her daughter and sisters, and going through old memorabilia she had collected, which included a couple of things about him. He goes on about his business trip, while the daughter ponders exactly what he was to her mom, and the effect he has on her as she’s dying.