It’s June 1st, which means it’s time for me to report my book sales in May.
I’m happy to report my book sales doubled in May compared to April, and were 50 percent higher than sales in each of February and March.
Of course, we’re talking about 6 sales in May, 3 in April, 4 in March, and 4 in February. No, I didn’t drop any zeroes. Here’s what I sold:
Documenting America: 1 e-book
“Mom’s Letter”: 5 e-books
Doctor Luke’s Assistant: 0
“Too Old To Play”: 0
My total sales for 2012 are 25. That doesn’t sound too good until you compare it with sales in 2011, which at the end of May were 7. Four of those came in May, so year over year May sales increased 50 percent, and total 2012 sales increased 257 percent. Business is booming. I should add that the copy of Documenting America I sold to a fellow writer at the OWFI conference in early May. The sales of “Mom’s Letter” were no doubt helped out by Susan Barrett Braun’s mentioning it twice on her blog, Girls In White Dresses, and giving it a good review on Amazon.
This would all be exciting if the numbers involved weren’t so small. Still, I can be exited that sales have increased. That’s in part because I have four titles for sale compared to two at that point in 2011, and had nothing in that year until mid-February.
By this time in 2013 I hope to have 10 to 13 titles available. Will I see 257 percent growth from 2012 to 2013? That would be a whopping 65 sales. I hope to do much, much better than that. And I think that, with the royalties earned at Amazon in May, I actually passed the payout threshold (thought I did before, but no payment has showed up yet), and I should get a payment in July.