The temperature outside right now is about 11o F. I’m not making that up. It was almost that hot yesterday and Saturday, and should be the same for the next two days. I have some yard work to do. I need to get some walking in. But you know what? I’m staying inside until the high temps get back below 100.
So it’s a good time to have lots of writing and publishing tasks to do. I have all kinds of inside time to get them done. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble prioritizing and remembering all that I have to do.
For example, Friday I saw that Smashwords found something in the home school edition of Documenting America that prevented it from being added to the premium catalog. It’s a simple change I need to make to the MS Word file and re-upload it. I saw that at work, but I’m keeping all my official submittal files at home. This was a simple 10 minute task, including the uploading. Unfortunately, all weekend I forgot to do it, and never checked in to my Smashwords dashboard and saw that I needed to do it. I saw it today, at work, which is not where my files are. So this is a to-do item for tonight, if I can remember it.
So what did I do this weekend? Here’s the rundown.
- Read through the last third of In Front of Fifty Thousand Screaming People on Friday night and Saturday morning, looking for an inconsistency in the days of the week during the playoffs. I first edited and reprinted the season/playoff schedule I had created, to make sure of what the right days were. I found the inconsistency and did a mark-up. Then I typed the corrections. That took me up to about 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.
- Scanned the proof copy of The Candy Store Generation, which arrived in the mail on Friday. I found no formatting problems, so it’s just a matter of getting any errors corrected. Lynda found one on the back cover copy, so I need to get that to the cover designer. I didn’t actually proof-read it at all over the weekend, leaving that for today and the next couple of days.
- Wrote/typed about 15 chapters of instructor material for the home school edition of Documenting America. I now have only four to go.
- Wrote and published two blog posts for my other blog, An Arrow Through the Air.
- Wrote my Goodreads review of Trial by Ordeal by Craig Parshall.
- Began reading The Eye of the Story by Eudora Welty. I consider this a book dealing with writing art and craft.
This sounds like a lot. Unfortunately I had much, much more I needed to accomplish. I should have done some proof-reading of TCSG. I should have completed all of the instructor material for DA-HS Ed. I should have worked on my next short story, or typed some plotting issues on the sequel to FTSP. Or done some formatting for the print version of DLA. Or done those changes to my writer’s website.
Well, it’s not unusual to have a larger to do list, written or unwritten, than can be accomplished in a limited time.