On February 7, Lynda and I began a long road trip to San Diego. The main purpose was to attend the Environmental Connection 13 conference, the annual conference of the International Erosion Control Association. I moderated a panel discussion on low impact development, and presented a half-day course in specification writing for erosion and sediment control works. We included three vacation days, plus the weekends, and so were gone for 12 days.
During this time I did very little with writing. I brought the printed manuscript of China Tour with me, intending to edit it, or thinking that possibly Lynda would read some more in it. All I did was read and handwrite some edits on the first chapter. I also kept up with a couple of writing blogs, though not rigorously every day. I worked on re-formatting a Thomas Carlyle book that I downloaded from Project Gutenberg. That’s actually quite enjoyable and relaxing.
But we’re back now. It’s time to get back in the saddle and get to writing. China Tour lacks only three chapters and maybe 8,000 words from being finished. Then of course will be comprehensive editing. My cover designer is lined up, and we’ve had conversations about the cover. A marketing plan is rolling around in my brain. Right now I’m hoping for a book launch in May, though whether that’s early or late will depend on a number of circumstances, most importantly the birth of grandchild #3, granddaughter #1, currently “scheduled” for mid-May but anticipated earlier just like her next older brother.