I’m concentrating quite a lot on my health these days. I used to use most of my noon hour to write. Now, as soon as I finish eating, I go outside and walk, either a half-mile or mile depending on weather. Once it cools down some I may punch that up to a mile and a half.
Once I get in from my walk, I may have fifteen minutes left in my lunch hour, a perfect amount of time to get most of a blog post written, or edit part of most of a chapter either of my own work or someone’s in my writers group. Alas, I find I have no concentration for either.
In the evenings, after supper, Lynda and I go for a walk, usually between one and two miles. It’s in the upper 80s at this time, so when we get home I go down to The Dungeon, where it’s cooler and I can cool down faster. And write, perhaps a blog post, or get going on a chapter in a new book or short story. Or prepare two other books for their print versions. Except the last few nights I haven’t been able to concentrate. I end up playing mindless computer games for an hour, cool down fine, but am unproductive.
It’s as if the quest for weight loss and better health have taken over my mind, my being, and I have no ability to concentrate on anything else. I suppose that’s the way it’s been a good amount of the last ten years with my writing. And for the five years before that for genealogy. But it’s worse now. Now the health quest is consuming me, and I have no ability to multi-task my brain and do some activities in the other things.
Unfortunately, I estimate it’s going to take me another year or even a year and a half to get to the weight range I should be in. If I keep up the walking and occasional flexibility exercise, maybe add a little strength training, I’ll be in good shape to match my proper weight. Can I go that long with single tasking?
I don’t think so. Somehow I have to come to a point where I can do all the things that interest me, all the things that I need to do, and do them simultaneously.
I think that will be my goal for the rest of this year: balance competing, good activities. I’ll report back later with the results.
You have inspired me to exercise consistently. Hope you manage to figure out how to get everything done.