I have been waiting on posting my 4th quarter sales results until one sale at Apple via Smashwords to fully post. That happened yesterday, so here I am. I’ll post the sales table and comment on it below.

Only six sales in the 4th quarter, and only 48 for the whole year. That’s understandable. I did almost no promotion in 2018 and had only one new publication, The Gutter Chronicles, Volume 2. With no promotion activity and almost no new releases, it’s understandable that sales were low.
Of those 48 sales, 27 were print books I sold personally. The rest were mostly at Amazon, both print and e-books. Two were from pass-through vendors via Smashwords.
Maybe that’s enough commentary for 2018. Looking ahead to 2019, hopefully more new publications, a couple of author events, and some other promotion will make a different.