Those who read this blog regularly will realize I missed my normal posting days of last Friday and yesterday. Extreme busyness of a few out-of-the-ordinary things consumed so much time I just couldn’t see my way clear to carve out the time to write posts. Those unusual activities have eased just a little, enough for me to write today. I’ll be back in the swing of things soon.
Here then is a short post, to say that my latest novel, Adam Of Jerusalem, is published—at least the e-book is. As always, the print book will lag a little. I put this up about a week ago, just before the busyness set in. I was planning on making this announcement last Friday.
So, now my church history novels series has books 1, 2, and 4 published. I know what book 3 will be, and I have a program for books 5 through 9, or maybe it’s 5 through 11. I need to gather together all my writing idea sheets and bring them into some sort of useable arrangement.
I’ll now finish the next volume of Documenting America, my current project, then will see what to work on next.