I greet my few readers this rainy Monday morning. It looks as if this is going to be a normal week. Not much taking me away from what I want to be a normal routine.
I was up at 6:30 a.m. and in The Dungeon, and had my devotions before 7. I just finished checking a publishing website I keep up with, which reminded me this is my day to blog. Yes, having been so out of the habit I needed that reminder.
Tomorrow I have an afternoon dentist appointment for some major work. I also have an assignment for my former company that will take ten to twelve hours to complete this week. Beyond that, blueberry picking is before me. I’ve yet to search the full extent of the field in the woods across the street from our house. I would do that today, but it’s raining right now. The showers should pass before long, but I won’t go out into a soaking wet wood.
Beyond that, this is a week for writing and other author tasks. My critique group meets Wednesday evening. I’ve submitted my work and have only one piece submitted to me at present.
In The Dungeon, I anticipate the normal stock trading activities, and writing. I have five chapters left (actually 4 and a half) in Documenting America: Making The Constitution Edition. I’d like to get one done per day and, by Friday, call the first draft complete. I have no writing tasks other than that this week. Well, perhaps a little clean up of my work areas.
Next Sunday I have another author event, at the Rogers Library, hosted by Ozark Book Authority. I think it will be just an author table for selling and signing books, though the organizer said something about having writer panels. I have a hard time believing the turnout will be enough on a Sunday afternoon in June to justify that, but we’ll see. Two author events in one month: that’s a first.
On to the writing now.