So far this year I’ve published three books. I’m midway through a fourth, the Leader’s Guide for my recently published Bible study, Acts Of Faith. I anticipate having that written in about ten days and published in about three weeks. That may be a little optimistic.
The only piece I’m working on at present is a short story, “Tango Delta Foxtrot”. I’m about a third done with that. I should be able to finish, edit, and publish that by sometime in November. Thoughts for another short story are rolling around; not sure if I’ll go to that next or not.

So, it’s time to begin research for my next full-length book. I’m not quite sure, however, what it will be. It will almost certainly be either the next in my church novels series or the next in my Documenting America series. Most likely it will be the former.
I’ve published books 1, 2, and 4 in that series. They are:
- Adam Of Jerusalem, about Quelle, the gospel source document
- Doctor Luke’s Assistant, about writing the gospel of Luke
- Preserve The Revelation, about writing the gospel of John and the Revelation

Sandwiched between those two is a book I’ve tentatively called The Teachings. It will be about the writing of The Didache, which is a book usually titled The Teachings, or, as a longer title, The Teachings of the Apostles. Scholars are divided on when it was written. It is mentioned in church documents of the early 4th Century, though it was lost until discovered in an Istanbul monastery in 1887.
But as to the writing, some say it could have been as early as 50 A.D.; some say as late as 200 A.D. From what I’ve read, while no consensus has been reached, an earlier date seems to be more favored at present. That would put it between the writing of Luke’s and John’s gospels. That allows me to have both Adam and Augustus as main characters in the book, a father and son collaborating. Here’s how I see the series at present.
- Adam Of Jerusalem, Adam ben Zachariah researches the teachings of Jesus, prepares a document that becomes the source for Matthew’s gospel. Dates approximately 33-39 A.D.
- Doctor Luke’s Assistant, Augustus ben Adam assists Luke in writing his gospel. Adam plays a bit part in this by reference only. Dates 64-66 A.D.
- The Teachings, Adam and Augustus both work on preparing a document that summarizes what the apostles teach about the Christian life. Dates 66-75 (approximately) A.D.
- Preserve The Revelation, Augustus and his sons assist John writing the gospel of John and then the Revelation. 95-96 A.D.
I started a plot thread in Adam Of Jerusalem that wasn’t in Doctor Luke’s Assistant, that I need to pick up in The Teachings. I’ve figured out how I’ll do this, though not all the details. I think it will all tie-in well, even though the books were written out of chronological order. In fact, I see a way for the plot thread to jump over Preserve The Revelation and be finally resolved in a future book that will deal with documents after the Revelation.
As to the research, I read the Didache again yesterday, and a ten page document that evaluates it. I also read in a book that discusses the theology of the Didache. I’m not sure how far I’ll go in that. It’s probably not necessary for me to fully understand its theology for me to write about it and work in some intrigue and relationships.
October will likely be a research month, as I finish up my two small works-in-progress. Writing may commence in November, though possibly I’ll wait until December, based on many things I have going on.