Some Significant Decluttering

The storage area for Christmas decorations, opposite The Graveyard, is in slight disarray this time of year.

I’ve written about decluttering before. It’s an on-going process here at Blackberry Oaks (the name I’ve given to our property, a name no one else in the family seems to like or is willing to adopt). Most of what we’ve done is relatively minor stuff: getting rid of a few empty boxes; taking garage sale stuff that didn’t sell to the thrift store; etc.

Last week and into the weekend, however, I did something a little more major. In our basement storeroom is a dark nook, set off from the rest of the storeroom by a 6-foot long job in the concrete wall and two book cases at right angles to it, is an area I have never had a name for, but which I think I’ll dub The Graveyard.

At the front of The Graveyard were two boxes with Christmas wreaths and another box of some candle holders. Behind it was a stack of computer boxes. The Apple boxes I knew had our old C-II from the Kuwait years. The other boxes I wasn’t sure what was in them. Then, there were a couple of large cardboard boxes. One I knew was for our first digital TV, the 32-incher we bought in 2008 and were still using. I guess we kept that thinking that if we ever moved, it might be best to pack the box back up in the original container. Yeah, that’s a good reason to keep the box. It’s out of the way.

Well, as we had our family Christmas over Thanksgiving, our son bought us a new digital TV. It’s a smart TV, 49-inches, yet it takes only a little more footprint and square footage than the old one. The box for this one went to the garage. We’re still trying to learn how to use the smart TV, but that’s a story for another post.

Last week, around Monday, I took a look at The Graveyard and decided we could do without that old TV box. We would be going by the recycling center the next day, so I decided it was time to let go of it. As I pulled it out, I saw that we also had the box from the TV stand for that old TV, a stand that it once again sits on in The Dungeon, waiting to be hooked up. Well, obviously I didn’t need to keep that. Both of those boxes went up to the garage, into the minivan, and, the next day, to the recycling center along with the new TV box and some other stuff.

How freeing that was! Much of our clutter is empty boxes, saved for whatever reason we need them.  But these particular boxes clearly had no future use.

Much better organized. Smaller, all items showing. Now need to get rid of the Apple 2C. Any takers?

But there, in The Graveyard, I also found, not just our old Apple computer, but an equally ancient desktop, perhaps also from Kuwait. I’ve been slowly giving up the old computers for recycling, after having someone get the data off of them. I thought I knew where they all were, so finding this one buried behind unneeded boxes was a surprise. It’s now moved to a place where I stage getting rid of computers. Also back there was a dead printer—dead because whatever computer it was used with is no longer in service. It’s also moved to the electronic recyclables staging area.

Once these things were removed, I was able to organize the few things left to be where I can see them. I gathered all the loose wreaths and hung them.  Also, I was able to move the free-standing bookcases back a little further into The Graveyard to make that space smaller and make the main part of the storeroom bigger. You can see what the result was.

Decluttering is far from over, In fact, in some ways it’s seems we’ve just begun the task. But this feels good. Real good. Next will be the remaining old computers and other electronics. Then, what’s next? Maybe some real stuff will depart this household.

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