I’m a little late with my post this Monday morning. The weekend was busy and I didn’t get it written ahead of time. Then, this morning Lynda had to go for a Covid19 test ahead of a procedure on Wednesday. Her appointment was at 7:50 and we were to be there fifteen minutes early. It was a drive-by testing site, and the long line of cars moved quickly through. A stop for gas and pastries on the way home, and here I am, finally writing this.
Over the weekend and late last week my thoughts began to gel about my next writing tasks. It was Friday (I think; maybe Saturday) that I documented a couple of book ideas and wrote them in a Word document and saved them to my “Ideas” folder. They’ve been bugging me and, while I’m now purposely suppressing writing ideas as come, these two pre-date my decision to suppress, so I wanted to be done with them to free up brain space for other things.
What to do next? I have a novel-in-progress that’s stalled. I have a book I’m updating. I have a short story that’s bugging me. I have the next book in the Documenting America series to begin. And that’s not everything. I needed to prioritize.
So I took a little time to brainstorm that and decide what to do next, and why. Here’s what I decided.
Published in 2011, I really need to do something with this, update it for later publications and correct some formatting errors. So, I began the editing work in early September 2020, and hope to re-publish by the end of September. Republish Documenting America: Lessons From The United States’ Historical Documents. I had already done most of the editing. An hour and it would be ready for publishing tasks. My reason for putting this first is I want to run some Amazon ads on it, beginning in about two weeks when I participate in the next Amazon ads challenge. I want an updated book to advertise.
- Edited to add: I forgot, when I posted this earlier, that I have to make a few corrections to my second genealogy book, Stephen Cross and Elizabeth Cheney of Ipswich. A few of the figures were of poor quality. I need to load them into G.I.M.P and improve the quality, put them in the book file, then upload the revised file. As much as I hate doing graphic arts with G.I.M.P. I’ve been putting this off. I think, however, that I’ll slip this in after I finish re-publishing Documenting America.
- Return to work on The Teachings, the volume 3 in my church history novel series, which will plug the gap between volume 2 and 4. I’m about 1/3 done with it, and need to get back.
- Write, or at least start, the next story in the Danny Tompkins series of short stories. I had once thought the series finished, but an idea for one more story just won’t leave me, so I need to write it to get it out of my head. My problem is I know the main idea I want to convey, but not the full story. So when I start on it I’ll perhaps stall almost right away. I won’t know till I start the writing.
The transcription is now complete (28 Sep 2020). Time to add some commentary. Add commentary to the Kuwait letters book. I’ve written about this before. After finishing the transcription, and before I put the letters back to storage and relegated the file to its folder and out of my mind, I added a little commentary. I’m ready to open the file and add some more commentary. I don’t know that I want to take the time to finish it, but I want to add something to it. This may be something for the odd hours between other things.
- Begin reading for the next book in the Documenting America series. This is tentatively Run-up to Revolution, covering the period from 1761 to 1775 or 1776. It will be the realization that the Colonies were no longer aligned with Great Britain and a separation was inevitable. I’m not sure how I will research this. Everything I need, just about, is on-line, but how to access it and when to read it is unknown at this time.
I had a couple of other things I wanted to put on this list, but will wait. As I sit and write this nothing else is coming to mind. If it does before the end of the day, I’ll edit this.
Now, if I can accomplish half of this by, say, the end of 2020, I’ll feel like I’ve made progress.
I love reading about all your writing tasks! I didn’t even know Amazon ads were a thing; maybe you could write a post on them/your experience with them. I love how you continue to write. Other than keeping up the blog, my book writing seems to have stalled. Overall I’m okay with that, but there’s something very satisfying about writing a book and accomplishing all the many tasks that that entails. Best wishes! I’m betting you’ll accomplish much if not all of this.
Hi Susan. I often make these plans and find I can’t get it all done. Today I managed to re-format the print book, review it on-line, and order a proof copy. I may go ahead and re-publish it before I get the proof, because I’m fairly sure it’s correct. Tomorrow I hope to re-format and re-publish the e-book for Kindle. Not sure when I’ll get to the e-book for Smashwords.
I’m impressed that you do the formatting. My “Kate” book needed updating with each child she had, and it seemed like the formatting process changed each time. Not easy for a non-techy person like me. I got an email from Amazon the other day saying that they were introducing something new where kindle and paperback could be submitted as one, rather than having to submit/format each separately. That would be so great if it really worked.