We are now a little over 10 1/2 months into 2022. I thought it might be a good time to report on my book sales. At this moment, my book sales this year have already the highest of any year that I’ve been publishing. I have 275 sales.
I know, I know, shockingly low, isn’t it? Especially considering I have 38 separate titles for sale. But, that is the life of the self-published author. Getting sales is difficult.
The numbers are skewed to the high side by sales of our church’s Centennial history book. It was hard to get an accurate count of those sales vs. copies given away. As best as I can tell, we sold 67. I suspect it’s a little higher than this, but that’s all I’ll claim. If you subtract the 67 from the 275, that leaves 208 sales of my main body of work. That would be behind my previous best year, 223 books in 2021.
I feel okay claiming those Centennial book sales as mine. So 2022 is already my best year. Three late-in-the-year author events helped quite a bit toward that. I don’t know how many more I’ll sell in November and December, since on-line sales have dried up almost to nothing.
But I will keep plugging away, selling some here, some there, waiting for the breakthrough every author hopes for.