As I mentioned in a previous post, I was writing fast and furiously this month on The Key To Time Travel. I’ve been working on this since around July 10th, when grandson Ezra and I put the first words on the computer. I suggested a way to begin it, and he gave me some ideas of what to put in the prologue. In a few days I managed to complete the Prologue, Chapter 1, and some of Chapter 2. Ezra and granddaughter Elise read and approved it at that point.
Due to the several special projects I had over the summer, I made little progress on the book. But I kept thinking about the plot and how I would get Eddie into trouble with the forest throne, a.k.a. a time portal. I worked on it some in October and got it up to around five or six thousand words. Again, there it sat. Again, I pondered the plot even as I was busy with other things.
As I reported recently, I got into a good production rhythm after Thanksgiving, and wrote and wrote. The words flew from my mind to the keyboard and screen. December 19 came, and I wrote “The End”—figuratively, that is. Soon I will start the editing process, as well as look for beta readers.
So what’s the story about? Somehow I need to describe the plot without giving the story away. It’s about Eddie Wagner’s experience with the forest throne. As the second of four children, he is anxious to ‘one-up’ on his brother. He knows enough about the throne from older brother Ethan to know what it does and how to work it. He needs the blue and orange pegs. He knows which one does what, and that the ends are marked designating ‘past’ and ‘future’.
But did Grandpa destroy the pegs? Eddie gets to spend an extra week at his grandparents’ Ozarks home after the rest of the family goes home. He has a long conversation with Grandpa and learns things that Ethan didn’t reveal. Grandpa also said that he couldn’t destroy the pegs, and that he didn’t yet want to throw them away.
Eddie makes up his mind to search his grandparents’ big house and find the pegs, then go to the throne and send himself into the future. He will stay there just long enough to get something to prove he was in the future, then he would go back to his time and show Ethan how he himself had the greater adventure.
As you can imagine, it won’t work out the way Eddie wants it to. He takes the pegs, one sawed in half by his grandfather, then sneaks down into the hollow to the throne while his grandparents are busy. He uses the pegs the way they are meant to be used, and…
…well, it just didn’t work out the way he expected. If I say anymore, it will give the plot away. You’ll just have to wait till the book is published, buy a copy, and read it.