Another Health Twist

As I’ve mentioned before, it won’t be long until I have heart valve replacement surgery. I’ve been expecting it to happen the week of July 22nd.

But I got a twist suddenly. While lifting a heavy box I threw out my back. Except it wasn’t my back. It’s the muscles in my right leg, especially the groin. It’s at the point where I can’t stand fully upright, for pain in the groin prevents it. I’m walking hunched over, using a walker.

I saw the surgeon on Tuesday. He put the heart operation off until July 29 to give my leg time to heal, saying he doesn’t want me fighting two traumas at once. Then later that day I saw my PCP. She ordered x-rays, CT scan, and ultra sound to rule out a skeletal cause of my pain. All is done except the ultra sound.

Meanwhile, I’m in bad pain that is getting worse, with back pain added due to being hunched over. Right now, with no improvement in my leg muscles or relief of pain, I’m wondering if the heart surgery will be put off longer than that. I’ll keep people posted from a combination of this blog and Facebook.

2 thoughts on “Another Health Twist”

  1. Just saw this, prompted by another blog post I saw on Facebook — man, I’m so sorry about this! I know (for me at least) when I get something scheduled, it’s part of my mental landscape and it messes with my mind when it changes. I’ll pray for just the right timing for all this.

    1. Yes, the first of two health twists that are delaying my surgery. Wait until you read my post for August 16. It will sound like I’m falling apart, literally.

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