Usually, at the end of one month and beginning of the next, I indicate what progress I made during the month just ended, and what goals I set for the month ahead. Knowing I would have some hospital time around September 30, I made a post on Sept 2 with Sept-Oct goals.
Of course, I didn’t know, on Sept 2, that I would have a stroke on Sept 3 that would put me in the hospital for 14 days and would render it almost impossible to type and handwrite. I didn’t know the heart valve replacement surgery would require a 2nd surgery to implant a pacemaker. Nor did I know that a complication from the surgery would put me back in the hospital for five more days.
So, two months of inability to type, 24 days in the hospital, and quiet convalescence from major surgery, means I had no accomplishments in Sept-Oct. I’m still working/typing/writing at partial strength, November goals will be modest.
- Attend writers meetings as I’m able. I have three meetings I can attend.
- Blog twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays.
- Work on A Walk Through Holy Week, Vol 3. I’d like to finish four chapters, which I think is doable, even at my reduced abilities.
- Create the cover of AWTHW V2. This depends on my artist getting her work done.
- Redo the cover of V1 of AWTHW. Again, I’m at the mercy of the artist completing her work.
That’s all the goals I’ll make. It will be enough if I can accomplish that.
You inspire me, David! God’s blessings on your November.