My Recent Absense

A strange thing going on in the brain is the best way I can describe a seizure.

My normal posting schedule is Monday and Friday. For a number of years I’ve stuck to that schedule, missing once in a while, throwing in an extra post here and there. Sometimes I’ve had to schedule a post when I knew I would be gone. When I had my heart surgery Monday Sept 30, I wrote a number of posts ahead of time and scheduled them to go live at the right time.

I had a health issue that interrupted that. Dec 22, Sunday before Christmas, Lynda woke at 5 a.m. to find me in the midst of a seizure. I was thrashing around in bed, unaware of what I was doing. Then I would go still, my eyes open but I wasn’t awake. She could tell something was seriously wrong with me and called 9-1-1. The paramedics came fairly quickly, I’m told, took my blood sugar and saw that wasn’t the problem, loaded me in the rescue squad and transported me.

I started to in the vehicle. I realized I was in a moving vehicle and asked what was going on. The man said I had a seizure and they were taking me to the hospital. I then went back to “sleep”, coming to one or twice more during the trip, and going fully awake as they transferred me to a hospital bed at Mercy Hospital in Rogers, Arkansas. I was able to answer all their questions as to who I was, what day it was, etc.

Lynda got there shortly before 8 a.m., having prepared for me having an extended stay, but by then the seizure was over and they released me. I was home by 9 a.m. and attended Sunday School class and church on-line. It was as if nothing had happened, except my speech, which had been improving since being adversely affected in my Sept 3 stroke was a little worse. All that day, I sat quietly, reading or watching TV.

On Monday Dec 23 we were supposed to fly to Boston and be with our son in Worcester, MA over Christmas. That obviously couldn’t happen. I delayed the flights a week, failed to properly delay our hotel reservations. My doctor wanted to see me on Monday the 23rd. She said the seizure was likely caused by weakness in that part of the brain affected by the stroke. She said I wasn’t allowed to drive in Arkansas for one year after the seizure.

So now it’s Jan 7. I haven’t resumed writing yet. Maybe in my next post, on Friday, I’ll tell you what’s keeping me busy and when I’ll resume writing. Meanwhile, I’m okay. No repetition of seizure symptoms, feeling good, alert, chafing at not being allowed to drive. I’ll keep everyone posted about how I’m doing.

3 thoughts on “My Recent Absense”

  1. David, I am so sorry you’re having to deal with so much here lately! I pray that your health will take a turn for the better in 2025. I am glad you’re feeling good and hope you’re still able to do some things around home, maybe your writing or dis-accumulating? Thanks for checking in here.

  2. So glad you’re feeling better! But sorry all your travel plans were interrupted. Keep the updates coming. Love and prayers always.

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