It wasn’t a normal weekend.
Of course, in retirement weekends aren’t supposed to be all that different from weekdays. But Saturday I did some heavy yardwork, continuing to clear brush and downed trees from the lot south of us, making it look a little more attractive. That was after I had updated the checkbook, updated the budget spreadsheet, and filed receipts, etc.
After this work I got to read a while in the sun room. I may have napped in my chair a little. But soon it was back into the main house to get supper ready. Then the evening was consumed with preparing for Life Group on Sunday while watching television and doing crosswords. I think I had a little time to read in an e-book.
Sunday was up at 6:00 a.m. to do my main study for Life Group teaching. We began in my book yesterday, Acts Of Faith. The class went well, but I expended a lot of energy in teaching it. I felt washed out by the time we got to worship. After that it was to Wendy’s to get lunch to bring home, then to Braum’s for milk, then to Wal-Mart for prescriptions that weren’t called in for my normal trip on Thursday.
After eating I unloaded clean dishes from the dishwasher, added dirty dishes to it, and washed dishes that don’t go in it. Then fix a side dish to take to Life Group party. I sat a little while during the cooking, but not much. Around 3:30 p.m. I left for the party, was there until 7:30 p.m. It was a good time, except I ate way too much and felt sluggish afterward. I brought a plate home for Lynda.
I sat in my reading chair and promptly fell asleep, whatever on TV being totally uninteresting.
So, I did no writing and no reading yesterday. I guess that’s fitting for a “day of rest”. Hopefully it will take only a day or two to recover.