One of my usual blog posts to start a year is to post my book sales for the previous year—and for the last quarter of the year. Let’s start with the quarter, which was my best of the year. Sales were:
Oct – 6 sales of two different books
Nov – 19 sales of three different books
Dec – 24 sales of two different books
Quarter: 49 sales of five different books
Those of you who follow my blog know this was a huge quarter for me. Those of you new to the blog will no doubt say What? With 32 books for sale you sold less than 2 copies per book for a quarter? Yes, that’s true. It shows that increasing sales haven’t made a dent in my cellar-dwelling status.
The reason for increasing sales is the ads I’m running on Amazon. Most of those 49 sales were of the two books I have ads for, 10 ads total, 5 for each. It would be nice if I could report profitability, but, alas, my ad costs so far have run more than my royalties. The will be the subject of a blog post in the near future.
Then, for the year 2020, I sold 96 books. That’s my third best year, lower than last year. But last year I sold books at author events. The pandemic prevented author events this year. Of these sales, 15 were sold in person, the rest through Amazon or Smashwords (only 1 there). I had sales of 14 different books.
So not a stellar year, but much better than some. I still have money in my ad budget. Hopefully they will run a profit before long.