Category Archives: Life On A YoYo

Thought–and Captured

I’ve only time and energy for a few words tonight. How nice it is, however, to have that energy at 9:17 PM in the evening.

Yesterday two thoughts crossed through my mind for Life Group studies, two lesson series I could develop and teach, maybe even write for publication. I won’t say what they are, since much thinking and development are necessary before I can do anything with them. They may not even turn out to be anything good (although I think they are).

But I captured them. One was actually a day old when last night arrived. I wrote this on to a simple concept sheet. It would only be a three or four week series, quite fitting for what many life groups want to do. The other one came to me yesterday evening. I’m not quite sure what it was I was thinking of that spurred the idea, but it seemed a good one, and so I captured it; wrote a concept sheet on it, although I couldn’t remember two things I needed to remember. Some research today and tonight in Wikipedia gave me the two missing links, plus a little more, and I have nine lessons in this series. This one would take some work, but if I can pull it together it may be one of the best things I could do.

Tonight also I worked some on lesson 3 in “Life on a Yo Yo: Peter’s Development as an Apostle”. This will probably be a fifteen lesson series, which I will likely teach after the first of the year. I don’t know how much I will write in the way of student handouts of other materials, but I will pull some together.

Meanwhile, I’ve got to substitute for our main teacher this coming Sunday, so I’m off to study.