It’s been a bad week

I know a blog of a professional person is supposed to be about a brand of some kind, not a diary of all that life throws at you. The fact is, though, I’ve been down in the dumps this week–big time, so I’m going to give you a diary entry. The problem is not that anything is actually going bad. A problem or two has arisen at work, but solutions have also developed and other things have worked well. Nothing has broken at the house, the bills are paid, and my weight is even dropping a little (agonizingly slowly, though without exercise) as I ate well and avoided snacks. I didn’t get a ticket; the truck and van didn’t break down; and I bought gas this time the day before an 8 cents price hike. I have come within one calculation of completing my Federal income taxes, subject to mathematical quality control of course, and I’m a week ahead on preparing my Sunday School lesson–oops, they call them Life Groups now. Even the rain on three days, which usually perks me up, didn’t. So, you ask what’s wrong? What would put me in the dumps?

It’s writing, specifically the lack of time to get to it, and another dose of reality at the almost impossible odds of becoming published. I did plenty of writing this week, mostly business letters via e-mail, and a few via snail mail or its semi-electronic cousin, the fax. I also wrote that one Life Group lesson and started on the second, it being well along. I had to study a lot for those, but it was good study and my mind was engaged. But none of that (except possibly the Life Group lesson) takes me an inch closer to being published. Every day filled with life–life to the full, as Jesus wants it to be–is a day further away from the dream. I’m at that point in life where each day is a precious commodity as it relates to fulfilling a dream. Youth is gone, and I have only so many days left.

Writing as a dream looks to be something that will cause an emotional roller coaster in life. I’ve experienced that before, first in my days as an expatriate and later in my days as a foster parent. The swing of emotions are energy sapping, leaving the brain little ability to create, even little ability for normal function. It requires considerable toughening to keep going. This week, I didn’t have it. What will next week hold? If I finish my Federal taxes this weekend, get another Life Group lesson prepared to put me one week ahead, and maybe have time for a blog post for three days in a row, maybe I’ll approach next week as a dynamo of brain-power. At least I can hope.

In addition to which, for those loyal readers who remember my posts a while back about capturing ideas for future writing, I did manage to capture two this week: one could be an article or a book; the other could be a Life Group series, which could later be a book.

2 thoughts on “It’s been a bad week”

  1. Dave,

    I’ll be praying for you in this endeavor. I know how difficult it is to sense a dream slipping through the crags of consciousness as you wake to the ever pressing pressures of this modern life.

    I have a dream to do a doctorate at some point…but life and limited finances keep getting in the way. I think it may still actualize some day, hopefully the process begins soon, but if I never complete a doctorate…I think I’m still in good company. I don’t believe that Jesus had any such credentials. Of course, they were non-existent during His earthly sojourn, but given the shape of His life, I don’t necessarily think He would have acquired that piece of paper even if they had them in His day.

    If you are never published in this life, you are in the same good company. You are a faithful Christ-follower, a great husband, an awesome father, a teacher, engineer, friend, counselor, and on and on one could go. I hope that your dream of being published does come to fruition one day…but just know that you are loved, valued and looked up to by many – not least by me.

    Just wanted to throw that encouragement in there. Keep writing. Blessings in Christ ~ RLS

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Richard. We’ll see what the future holds. A life too busy to devote sufficient time and energy to writing wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

    I’ve been a firm believer that God equips you for what grabs your heart, your desire. Generally speaking a burning desire can be taken as evidence of what God wants for your life. I’m sure exceptions exist, but they would be rare exceptions. So from that standpoint, I should just keep plugging on and hang the emotional swings and exhaustion. After all, there is time enough for all that I must do.

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