The March Report

Good grief! I missed checking in on my March goals, and setting April goals. Here it is the 4th of April already. Okay, so here is the March report.

1. Blog 12 or more times. This seems a comfortable pace. I’d like to bump this up to about 16 posts a month, but will wait to make that a goal. >>> I bloggd exactly 12 times. Should have done more, but at least I made my goal.

2. Write and post 10 articles at I think I can do this. >>> I fell one short on this, posting 9 articles at Suite101.

3. Write 1,000 words on In Front of Fifty Thousand Screaming People. Almost made it in February; might as well try it in March. >>>Well, I did nothing on my novel this month. My attention was pulled to working on the Harmony of the Gospels, and much time that I could have put into the novel, or into Suite articles, instead went to the Harmony. And I’m okay with that. I really got a lot done on it.

4. Work on a new Bible study, about the sacraments. I may have an outline somewhere. I’ll be teaching it in about two months. Time to get to work. >>>I completed quite a bit of work on this. The outline of the lesson series is done; I have a good idea of what it is I want to accomplish; and I’m reading a book for research. I could be much farther along, but I feel good about this.

5. Make three freelance submissions. This is pretty minimal, but I’m working a lot on work stuff still, and will be making a presentation on the 31st and two or three brown bags during the month. I find the time needed to research freelance markets and actually make the submittals tedious, and for some reason if I’m heavy into work stuff, including taking stuff home, I can’t concentrate on freelance. Of course, a couple of the work things I’m working on could make good freelance articles about engineering. Hmmm. >>>Not quite sure how to count this. I made two freelance submissions–or I could count it as five, if I count the articles I submitted to a Suite101 contest as separate submissions. It’s really not as much as I hoped to accomplish.

6. Read 40 pages in writer helps, not including blogs. That’s forty solid pages, books or magazines (not including ads). I would say I read maybe 20 pages, not 40. The research into the Bible study took up much of my reading. That and working logically through my magazine and newsletters pile. The first issue of my subscription to Poets and Writers magazine is next on the pile; I should get to it tomorrow. So this will be an easy thing to do in April.

So, all in all a month with a fair amount of accomplishment, but not as much as I hoped for. Taxes got in the way (as they will in April), as did the church parking lot project (as it will in April also. I’ll come back in a few hours with April goals.

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