Something in the Air?

Yesterday, driving home on my evening commute, traffic was awful. Not awful in the sense of heavy, but in the sense of drivers doing extremely stupid things. Cutting people off. Crossing a five lane highway with a car length to spare. Running red lights. Failing to take a turn when it was safe. Driving at excessive speed, even more so than normal. Zooming in and out between cars just to be one car ahead when stopping at the next traffic signal.

I wanted to say, “Suppose they learned to drive in Bentonville Arkansas, and suppose they were idiots. But I repeat myself.”

Now, today, the craziness seems to be in the on-line writing sites I look at. A literary agent has made a post, “I Don’t Need No Stinking Agent,” a push-back against various self-publishing, anti-agent gurus. Then, in the Indie Author Group on Facebook a fight has broken out over negative posts. Yesterday, at the agent blog I read most a guest post was a blatant sales pitch for a writer development service costing $37 or $55 per month. About half the comments were negative. This morning that post had been pulled.

What’s going on? Is there something in the air that is causing normally sane people to do crazy things? Are the stars aligned in Vertigo, or whatever crazy scheme people think controls their destiny?

Today is primary election day in Arkansas. That could be the reason for the Bentonville traffic nitwits but not the on-line stressors. I just know I’ll be driving home very carefully tonight.

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