I Need A Rest

Well, another week went by and I didn’t do my mid-week blog post. I don’t suppose the excuse that I was in two days of off site (though in-town) meetings would make any difference. Days like those are enough to fry the brain and dull the senses. Wednesday was the first day. I came home and don’t remember if I came downstairs to the desktop, which is where I usually write my blog posts.

I’m not writing much today. Yesterday was a busy day, though not as busy as some Saturdays have been of late. At the end of the day the house was more of a mess than it was at the start. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? We took some things off the walls in preparation for selling them. That’s good, though having them in other places in the house is bad. We went through my shirts and found 21 XXL that are too big for me now, and took them out and prepared them for sale or donation. That’s good in two ways, except that’s bad in that these shirts are now hanging from the bar in the kitchen, and a couple fall off almost every time we walk by.

Some other good things happened, however. Lynda put a couple of ads on Craig’s List for things we have for sale, including for a general, private sale of all the many kitchen and linen items. The garage is more stuffed than ever, but having the ads up gives me hope.

I’ve put all writing projects on hold for now. I found myself being too easily provoked and way too irritable when minor things go wrong. Today, after returning from church (where we had an excellent brunch during life group and so we didn’t eat lunch at home), I went to the sun room, plunked myself down in the easy chair we just moved there, put my feet up on the hassock we just moved there, and read in my book of A Conan Doyle letters. I think it’s been a year since I did that. I read about five pages before falling asleep, and maybe two or three after waking up.

It’s amazing what a nap will do for your outlook. I don’t think it was more than half an hour, but I felt much better. I came downstairs and, instead of a writing task, I completed all my budget entries on my budgeting spreadsheet. I even went back and picked up the tiny interest deposits that go monthly into our HSA and money market accounts. All three accounts are now fully entered and balanced. I still have a stack of papers to file, but will try to do them over the next couple of days.

Yes, writing is shoved aside for now. Perhaps in two or three weeks I’ll be ready to get back into it, in a small way.

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