As I’ve tried to make a habit, after reporting sales for a quarter, I then look at my writing plan for the year and see how I’m doing, and if I plan to make any changes. First, here is my writing to-do list as posted on January 5, 2018, in the order I planned to do them.
Finish The Gutter Chronicles, Vol. 2. Finish by the end of February; publish by the end of April.
- Finish Adam Of Jerusalem by the end of the year; publish in 2019.
- Begin work on Documenting America: Constitution Edition. I hope to be working on this by October.
- Write “Tango Delta Foxtrot”. At present I’m not going to put a publishing target date on the list.
- And, one other item, which is really planning for 2019: Decide on which of my Bible studies to publish in 2019.The other things on the list don’t have any deadlines in the second quarter. I plan to move next to Adam of Jerusalem. I’m a few chapters in to it, and I know the story I want to tell (i.e., it’s somewhat planned-out in my brain). If I can get enough time to put to this, I could actually finish it by summer. Time, however, is in short supply these days. Time to write, that is.
So, this is my 2nd quarter to-do list.
As you can see, it wasn’t an ambitious to-do list. But it considered where my circumstances in life stood, and what I thought I could realistically get done. Only one item was listed for the first quarter: Finish The Gutter Chronicles, Vol. 2 by the end of February. I actually completed it around mid-March, so missed it by two or three weeks. That wasn’t bad. It’s now in the editing phase, and I should have that done in just a few days. So, publishing by the end of April, as in my to-do list, is entirely possible.
- Publish The Gutter Chronicles, Vol. 2 by the end of April.
- Finish Adam Of Jerusalem by the end of the year; publish in 2019.
- Begin work on Documenting America: Constitution Edition. I hope to be working on this by October. And, I will add to this, begin reading for research within the quarter.
- I believe the first Bible study I’ll publish is Sacred Moments. I just finished reading a book for research, a book which, unfortunately, didn’t help all that month.
I’ll check back in against this list in early July.