Previously on this blog I’ve statedthat I have a writing disease: Genre Focus Disorder. This is totally self-diagnosed, and, as you might surmise, a self-created term. Mine seems to be getting progressively worse the longer I’m on this writing journey.
Kristen is a writer who is well on her way of making a mark in the world.
So I’m always…what should I say… encouraged? justified? amused? or maybe sympathetic when I find another writer who has GFD. Recently Kristen Joy Wilks made a comment on a literary agency blog I follow, and I could see GFD pouring from every word. You’ll see it if you look at her website. So I asked Kristen if she would agree to be interviewed here, and her she is.
Q: As I read your bio on your website, I learn of many interesting adventures you have where you live in the Cascade Mountains. Tell us a little about your life there.
A trouble-making dog? Surely this lovable creature isn’t the model for that character!
Kristen: I live at a small Bible camp where my husband is the Camp Director and our three sons take their pet chickens on field trips through the forest, mountain meadows, and up into tree forts of dubious construction. Our Newfoundland dog frolics along behind them, adding muddy pawprints and her lovingly shared fur to the mix. The camp sits at 3,000 feet above sea level and is mostly off grid. We do have phones, but power and water are something we must supply for ourselves through a well and generator with its own battery system.
Q: Also from your website, I see books in three categories: romance, young adult, and middle grade. Yikes, do you really have Genre Focus Disorder just like I do?
Kristen: Yep, I also have picture book manuscripts and poetry about boys, puppies, bugs, and true love! My first love is YA, but during 18 years of attempting to sell my work, I’ve found that the YA market is incredibly tight. I’ve found a home for my romantic comedies and am still pitching stories for children of all ages whenever I get the chance.
Q: Your romances seem to be set in the modern era, not in a series (at least not that I could tell from the brief descriptions). Tell us about your latest romance novel, or, if you prefer, about any of them.
One of Kristen’s romance books.
Kristen: I love to put trouble-making animals in my stories. Copenhagen Cozenage uses a few of our own stories from owning a 150lb Newfoundland dog as I hazard my heroine with an abandoned dog of epic proportions. Spider Gapis my latest and I combine an amazing hike from my youth with a story about an inexperienced hiker who attempts to smuggle her purse dog over a glacier on a 21 mile hike. Right now, I’m working on edits for an adventure in Yellowstone National Park involving a strict park ranger and a free spirited motorcycle-riding photographer who just happens to misplace her Scottish terrier in a herd of bison. If you know anything about Scotties, you’ll realize what a huge problem this is since Scottish terriers will attack any animal no matter their size … even if they weigh in at 2,000 lbs and have two foot horns.
Q: So how does a romance novel writer manage to also write young adult and middle grade?
Kristen: I started with YA and then wrote a romance on a dare so that I had something to pitch at our local conference. The editor loved it and they are super fun to write! I keep coming back to stories for children though and hope to find a home for them at some point.
Q: Do you find yourself gravitating to one of these three genres? Please don’t tell me you’re thinking of adding a fourth.
Kristen: Ha ha, yes I have added picture books. Sorry about that! I am feeling the siren call of middle grade right now after so many years of reading aloud to my three sons. There aren’t many books for boys in the Christian market and who better to write for boys then a mom who has discovered a smuggled gardener snake in her sons’ tub, found pet chickens in the bunk beds, and been asked to pray for captured bugs?
Q: Tell us something about your work(s)-in-progress.
Kristen: Ooooh, right now I’m jumping between two stories. A middle grade that uses some of our wild dog moments as we navigate life with a 110 lb Newfoundland Princess who demands fresh water with every drink, a cookie if we want her to scoot off the seat belts so our youngest can buckle, and wakes us up at 3:00 AM in order to tattle on the neighbor kids about taking her special spot on the couch. Also, there is a book that uses my love of the forest and camp combined with young boys battling prehistoric creatures while trying to hide a rowdy puppy. Here is a photo of our Princess Leia Freyja, the Newfoundland Princess and only other girl in our household.
Check out Kristen’s websitefor more about her. And check out her books at her Amazon page, or at other retailer links on her website. I’m sure you’ll find something you’d like to buy. Or sign up for her newsletter.
Help support artists with GFD. Look at the choices you have of Kristen’s books.
3 thoughts on “Author Interview: Kristen Joy Wilks”
Thank you so much, David! This was such a fun interview to do. May your genre-focus-disorder help you discover the writing that you truly love!
I enjoyed being introduced to Kristen! I think the popularity of animals and of National Parks makes them great additions to her books. I’ll have to check out some of her many genres.
Thank you so much, David! This was such a fun interview to do. May your genre-focus-disorder help you discover the writing that you truly love!
I enjoyed being introduced to Kristen! I think the popularity of animals and of National Parks makes them great additions to her books. I’ll have to check out some of her many genres.
Susan: Thank you for coming by and leaving a comment.
Kristen: Thank you for agreeing to this interview. May your days be fulfilled with writing, in whatever subjects and genres as God leads you.