When we drove from NW Arkansas to SW Texas, I had been checking the weather for days so that we would know how to pack. Temperatures in Big Spring could be expected to be somewhat warmer than in Bella Vista. Not always, however, as air masses move easily north and south on the Great Plains and sometimes it is colder in the more southerly city. Advanced forecasts showed some cold weather, but not too bad.

We arrived on Friday a week ago. Advanced forecasts were showing chances of a winter storm on Wednesday. This was new, and had not been in the forecast while I was checking. Cold we were ready for, but snow? Or ice?

As the days went on, the forecast became more in focus. Snow would arrive Tuesday night and continue into Wednesday. Accumulations of 1-3 inches expected. Then it changes to 2-4, then to 3-6. Finally, on Tuesday morning,

the winter storm warning showed 3-8 inches.
The storm indeed arrived, and right on “time” according to forecasts. At 11 p.m. on Tuesday, a check outside revealed snow coming down—not just a little.

Schools quickly cancelled. Actually, they may have done that an hour before the snow started, when weather radar showed it couldn’t miss us. By morning we had 3 inches on the ground and it was still snowing.
Snow continued off and on through the day, eventually accumulating to between 7 and 8 inches, the second largest storm in the city’s history. Needless to say, the four grandchildren bundled up and went outside to play in it. Also needless to say, I had to go with them. But, I had brought only light jackets.

No problem. A tee shirt, two flannel shirts, and two jackets with light lining and I was all set. I went outside and had a blast with the kids. Two of them walked around the block with me, 4 or 5 inches on the ground and snow coming down. Then one went in and another came out, then that happened again. I don’t think all four were out at the same time.
That evening our daughter made snow ice cream, a tradition at their house for snow days.

The temperature dropped as the day went on. We went inside to warm up, then outside again for another snow session. We drank hot drinks. The temperature would drop to 7 degrees overnight, and school was closed again on Thursday. More play outside, more hot drinks, and some bored kids were the results. A trip to Wal-Mart on improving roads cured that.
So here it is Friday. School is delayed an hour and a half but will open. The last two days I got zero done on writing. No, that’s not quite true. I did some non-writing writing things. I kept up on blogs, did a little reading for research, checked out a couple of conferences I may want to go to, and answered writing group e-mails. But no new writing on my just-started novel. I hope today to add 500 to 1,000 words on it.

But I declare the last two days a triumph, and would be willing to see it extended.
playing with Grandkids is always fun looks like you had a great time of it
Beverly: I’m sorry I never responded to that. Yes, we had a great time in Big Spring, also a great time when the grandkids came here in June for ten days. We hope next to see them for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, or possibly both.