I keep making mention of my novel-in-progress. Tentatively titled The Forest Throne, it will be a young adult novel—meaning it is for teenagers. And I’ve been meaning to say more about it, but seemed to have too much on my mind to concentrate on a post about it.
In this post, I’ll talk mainly about the genesis of the book. In a future post I’ll talk a little about the story.
Before they constructed trails near our house, if, when the grandchildren came to visit, you wanted to go deep into the woods, the only way to do so was down the hill behind our house into the valley, called a “holler” around here. I think Ephraim, our oldest grandchild, was 3 or 4 when we did that for the first time. As the other kids got older, several of us would do this. Once you go down the hill, there’s no going back up. Or, should I say going back up is much too difficult. So we would hike down the channel of the hollow until we hit a road and take the road back to the house. While that meant a longer uphill leg, the road is definitely easier than the rocky, leaf-strewn hill. Once the trail construction began in late 2019 and was completed in early 2020, we never go down the hill anymore.
But I prate.
Sometime around 2017 (I think it was), Ephraim, by then 9-years-old, and I went down the hill. For some reason his two siblings then old enough to be with us stayed at the house. We usually have to hunt around to find a place to get down into the channel of the holler. One time we were working our way upstream on the bank, looking for that place to drop down to the channel, when we passed a depression in the hillside that looked a bit like a chair. One of us, I don’t remember if it was Ephraim or me, said it looked like a throne, a throne in the woods, or the forest.
That’s where the name came from. We mused about whether it was natural or manmade. And I began musing about how it could be worked into a book. A plot came to mind. I ran that plot by Ephraim. He said it sounded good, and so I put it in the writing queue. It finally came to the top of the queue last June.
That’s the genesis. The rest will have to wait for another post. I took a photo of the throne when we went back one time, but I’m not sure I can find it on my phone. Thus, I have no illustration for this post. You’ll just have to wait a while for it.
I enjoyed learning more about the book’s origins; I can imagine that scrambling down the hill would be hugely memorable to kids. And I learned a new word — prate