Today should be the day for my writing progress & goals report, but I may be AWOI (away without internet), so I’m writing this post early ad scheduling it for posting on May 2.
The book Reagan In His Own Hand: The Writings of Rondal Reagan That Reveal His Revolutionary Vision For America is a great book. I began reading it a number of years ago, got maybe 1/3 of the way through it, and stopped. Why? Because I found it very intense, and more politics than I wanted to read at that time. I picked it up again a couple of months ago and got back into it.
It’s still intense, but I was able to read the rest of it by choosing a manageable amount per day and read just that. The book contains typescripts of the drafts Reagan wrote mainly of his radio addresses from 1975-1980ish. He wrote these on legal pads, doing what we all do when we draft on paper. He crossed out and inserted. He reworded and moved things around. Some staffer must have edited it. Somehow, it all came together into a script that Reagan read on the radio.
The book includes some other miscellaneous writings. Some are from his early years pre-politics, some from time as governor, some drafts of campaign speeches, and I think one or two presidential papers. Always they were typed from Reagans own writings.
My only complaint about this book is that they typescript includes all of Reagan’s handwritten edits. These would be of interest to a researcher who wants to study Reagan’s composition style. For me as a reader, they were distracting, something I either needed to wade through and read or attempt to jump over and get to what the final version was. I mostly did the latter.
Whether you love Reagan or hate him, this book is good reading. If you hate Reagan, pick up a copy, read through it, get angry, and feed your hate. At least you’ll be reading historical stuff. If you love Reagan, well, what better thing to have than something written by him rather than something about him?
5-stars. It would be 4.5 stars if that were allowed, the 1/2 star lost for putting all the editing stuff in the typescripts. But it’s not a keeper. I don’t anticipate reading it again. Out to the sale/donation shelf it goes.