A Productive Two Weeks

Nuisance on the floor next to me, tired after walking 1.91 miles.

We drove to Texas on Tuesday, March 28, to help our daughter out while her husband is away, beginning his pastoral ministry at a new church. We head home on Friday, April 7 (out daughter’s birthday). It’s been a good two weeks. Busy, but good.

I’m starting this post at noon on April 5th. I’ll have to interrupt it to walk the dog, eat lunch, and do some yard work. I’ll schedule it to post on Friday. But let me tell you what has gone on and edit it tomorrow to add a little more.

Walking the dog has been one of my main jobs during this stay, along with cooking and dishes. The dog, which I have nicknamed Nuisance,  is a handful. She’s big at 65 pounds, likes to play by biting you, and is just a nuisance all the way around. The first day we were here I walked her about a mile. Her walks aren’t for doing her business, which she will only do in the back yard. The walks are for getting some energy out. With no dog parks nearby, the walks are in the neighborhood.

That’s good. The slopes are gentle, and so long as I don’t push it on the uphill slopes, the angina doesn’t come on. The second day I went a little further with her. My natural pace is slower than what she wants to go, so she was constantly pulling. Anytime we passed a side yard and dogs were in it, a sniffing episode followed by much parking and pulling resulted.

Day by day, I learned where the dogs were and adjusted our route to stay away from them as much as possible. And I began to lengthen the walk. By the sixth day we were going 1.75 miles. She had adjusted her gait to mine (for the most part) and didn’t pull as much. My legs felt stronger most days. After Saturday, that is, when yardwork before the walk caused me to struggle that day.

As soon as we got home from the walks, I fed her. She ate and drank voraciously and hurriedly, then found a cool place on the floor to take a nap. For me, more work kept me from taking my nap.

We just got back (now on Thursday) from our last walk on this trip. Nuisance is lying on the floor right next to my chair. I think she has come to like me more than I have her. Tomorrow we head home. We’ll be back later in the month and do the same thing. So she has lots of walks with me yet.

I should probably hate to say this, but I won’t miss her in between these trips. We understand each other a little better. And I’m glad for the exercise these walks have given me. But I’m still not getting a dog.

2 thoughts on “A Productive Two Weeks”

  1. No, I do not miss Nuisance. I urged them to get rid of her, but I don’t think they seriously considered it.

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