How can I possibly have progress in a month that I was taking off from writing? Well, taking time off for me is different than for others. It’s hard for me not to keep up with writing even during my month off. So I got a few things done. I’ll list them along with the goals, then I’ll see what kind of goals I can set for July.
- Blog twice a week, Mondays and Fridays, as always. Even with grandparent busyness, I was able to get this done. Each day had a real blog post written and posted.
- Attend writer groups meetings as I can based on travel schedule. As expected, travel kept be away from all but one of the scheduled meetings.
- Proofread as much as I can of the four completed volumes of A Walk Through Holy Week. I proofread parts 4, 5, and 6 (which I didn’t remember proofreading last year). Part 7 will be a July goal.
- Work on the cover for the AWTHW series. I don’t sell enough books to pay for cover creation, so I just have to do it myself. I have a concept I want to use, if I can do the graphics. Which leads to my last goal… This is done, sort of. I worked with my 10-year-old granddaughter, who shows some artistic talent, to go from my preliminary concept to a working prototype. Whether it’s a fully workable prototype, I’m not sure.
- Work with G.I.M.P. on how to do more artistry in covers. I’ll have to find some tutorials.
Other things I got done were:
- Catching up on correspondence, both new writing and filing all unfiled correspondence for 2023.
- Publish The Key To Time Travel. I didn’t mention this as a June goal because I wasn’t sure of the timing for getting the cover. After dealing with some health issues, the cover designer finished her work, and the book went on sale this month.
- Work on the source material for the next Documenting America book. See the July goals.
- Do more reading than normal.
- Brainstorm an idea for a new Bible study, and read some source material for it.
- Made a few updates to my website—not major ones, but things that needed doing.
- And one thing that wasn’t writing related, but which I feel like mentioning, was digitizing my genealogy files. No, they are not done—far from it. But I added to what I did in prior months and fine-tuned my filing system as I went along. At the end of the month I felt good about how much of this I accomplished.
Now, for some July goals.
- Blog twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays.
- Attend two writers meetings, one of which I’ll present at. A third meeting may happen and I’ll attend, if the library can schedule them.
- Work on Documenting America: Run-Up To Revolution. Last month, even thought it wasn’t on the schedule, I managed to copy most of my source documents and load them into a Word document. The next step is reading and condensing them to the right length for the format of the series. I anticipate this will take all of July and possibly even longer.
- Write up my recent Bible study idea into a proper outline of what it would be.
That’s a good number of goals for a month after a break. Documenting America will be my main task for the month.