End of the month. Time to report what progress I made relative to the goals I set at the beginning of the month, and to set some goals for next month.
- Blog twice a week, Mondays and Fridays. I suspect my readers are tired of seeing that goal each month. Did this. Only one day was a late and weak post, but I went back later in the day and fleshed it out.
- Attend three writers meetings, plus the online social gathering. Did this. The meetings were good, though the online social gathering was poorly attended.
So far this has not found an audience on Kindle Vella. But I will stay the course and publish all 32 episodes there, the bring it out as a book at the appropriate time. Complete the first draft of Documenting America: Run-Up To Revolution. Did this, finishing it on September 22, eight days ahead of schedule. It felt good to have stuck with this, rarely missing a planned day of writing.
- Decide on whether to post my new Documenting America book to Kindle Vella and, if I do, get the first chapter/episode published on Wednesday, September 6. I decided to do this, and put up the first chapter/episode on September 11 and to publish them on Mondays and Thursdays. That schedule puts the last one available for reading on December 28.
- Tie down the new writing idea that came to me on August 28-30. Write all I can about the idea in manuscript. I did some of this. Actually, I blogged about the idea here. The book, should that’s what it winds up being, will be fairly complex. It will take a lot of research and planning. I’m not ready to commit to that yet, but I do want to get more of my ideas documented, just in case I ever do want to write it. So I call this goal only half completed.
Okay, not a bad month. Time now for setting some goals for October.
- Blog twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays.
- Attend three writers group meetings.
- Attend the Ozark Writers League fall conference in Branson. This will be at the end of the month.
- Finish all editing on Documenting America: Run-Up To Revolution, and schedule all episodes for publishing on Kindle Vella.
- Begin work on A Walk Through Holy Week, Part 1. I have this pretty well planned out. My main problem will be in shifting mindset from history to Bible study, so I’m not setting a word goal. I will probably do so next month.
- Continue to document the writing idea, The Artwork Of God. I’m not sure how much time I’ll spend on this. I think it will basically be putting somewhat random ideas in a document.
- Begin reading a book on colonial America, dealing with essays from a newspaper debate in Boston in 1774-1775. I just found this book and saved it to Kindle. What I’m going to do with it I’m not sure.
That’s plenty. I’ll come back in a month and give a report and set new goals.