Political Violence Follows Extreme Rhetoric

Dateline: Saturday, 13 July 2024, 9:40 p.m. CDT

An attack was made against ex-president Donald Trump this afternoon, maybe around 5 p.m. my time. We had a game warden program on the TV so the first I heard of it was when a good friend on Facebook posted about it. We finished the program we were watching then turned over to a news station. It was obvious the president was injured.

I checked news sites on-line, but monitored Facebook off and on. The same friend had another post or two as information began to trickle out. Then I saw a post by a woman I went to elementary school with. It was:

He doesn’t deserve a bandaid..

That was quickly followed by this post by a man I went to elementary school with.

That was all a set-up by his people!.

I was stunned. That same man went on to post:

How come nobody else was hurt and where are the bullets. That cut on his ear was self inflicted. They’ll never find the people who fired the shots because it was his people. [sic]

I replied to that with the following.

[name redacted]: Please wait for full reports to come in. They are now saying one rally attendee was killed. Too early to know for sure.

One man who I don’t know had his own reply:

[name redacted] you sire [sic] look like an idiot..get your hate in check…people died today because of this kind of hate,,

Such strange hatred against the former president, and by one commenter against his fellow man. Trump is not my candidate; I won’t vote for him, as I didn’t the last two times. But the posts by those three people are just sick. One post accuses the president of being an accessory to murder. Does this man’s hate not allow him to see what it is he’s saying? Apparently so. I wouldn’t want to be him when the Secret Service comes around reviewing relevant posts.

How terrible a thing hate is. It clouds judgment, send us off on tangents, makes us irrational, and can eventually destroy us. I hope I can avoid it in my own life. I see lots of hate on both sides this election year. I pray that it doesn’t destroy our nation.

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