July Progress, August Goals

This was a strange month. I expected to undergo open-heart surgery on July 22, but it was postponed when I injured my leg. Still waiting on that to heal so the surgery can be rescheduled. But the leg injury has hurt my movements and kept me from working at my writing as much as I’d hoped. Nevertheless, I did have accomplishments.

  • Blog twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. Got this done, with the help of scheduled posts.
  • Make as much progress as possible on Volume 2 of A Walk Through Holy Week. It would be nice to have the first draft done before July 22. Completed the first draft on July 27!
  • Attend one writing group meeting. The two other meetings are cancelled due to venue problems during the summer. Did this. The other two meetings stayed cancelled
  • Complete the Introduction and occasional commentary of the Saudi letters book. I got the Introduction done in the last few days. The commentary is started but not yet done.
  • Possibly complete and publish a short story I’ve been working on, the next in the Danny Tompkins series. I worked on this some more, so that it’s more or less done. Some comments from my critique group are not yet fully addressed.

Setting goals going forward is difficult, because I don’t know how my healing will go—not only with my leg but with a new shoulder/arm injury. I might have heart surgery late in the month, or, more likely, it will slip into September. So how do I plan for writing tasks with such uncertainty?

  • Blog twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. I may use scheduled posts again.
  • I’m not making a goal of attending any writers meetings, partly from not knowing how my surgery and illnesses will lay me up, and partly because one meeting may be cancelled due to lack of a venue.
  • Complete two editorial passes through A Walk Through Holy Week, Vol 2. I should be able to get this done even with uncertainty of schedule.
  • Figure out any final changes to the latest Danny Tompkins story, then finish and publish it.
  • Complete the commentary between letters. If I can get that done, begin selection of photos and insert them in the book.
  • And, one more for good measure: Make a start at outlining Vol 3 of A Walk Through Holy Week.

That’s enough. I’ll be lucky to get this much done.

2 thoughts on “July Progress, August Goals”

  1. Praying — I find it’s hard to deal with uncertainty (when will surgery be, etc) than with an actual date for an event. I hope you’ll heal well and quickly so you can get that done! As always, I applaud your organization and commitment to writing. I love the photos of the deer you encountered while walking!

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