Today is publication day! Volume 2 of my Bible study series, A Walk Through Holy Week. Titled Temple Teaching, it is available in both e-book and paperback on Amazon at the following link:
Here’s the book description:
This is Volume 2 of the eight volume Bible Study series taking a detailed look at the gospel accounts of Holy Week.
In this book, Jesus continues his teaching in the temple that was covered in Volume 1. He confronts the Sadducees, Herodians, Pharisees, and teachers of the law. We have much to learn from these interactions. Even though these are familiar scriptures, taking a deep look at them can be newly illuminating. The book uses the scripture from the author’s harmony of the four gospels.
The book contains eight chapters, making it suitable as an 8-week small group study covering the Lenten season and a little more. Or use it as a personal Bible study at any time. Each chapter has seven sections that can be used as daily devotional readings.