The Logjam is Almost Broken

Taxes are done–except for my mother-in-law’s. She still hasn’t given me all her documents, so I just filed an extension for her. I’ll look into it in a month or so.

Sara, Richard and Ephraim have gone back to Oklahoma City. They were here Wednesday through yesterday. Thus after the taxes were done I had Ephraim to play with and read to, Richard to discuss theology and church polity/ministry with, and Sara to discuss business. I wasn’t about to write much during that time. I enjoy them being here, but there’s something to be said for a quiet house and the ability to be anti-social without guilt.

Yesterday was also our busy grocery and errands day. We arrived home to the quiet house and I had to finish reading a missions book to take back to church today, and read in the Shack and prepare a lesson in case I had to teach. I also found time to read one article from Poets and Writers magazine before dead-tiredness drove me to bed last night.

Today was a wonderful day at church, a missions service and pledges for missions giving for the coming year. Life group was great (I didn’t have to teach). The church dinner was great. The missionary’s talk was informative and inspiring. On the way home Lynda and I stopped at a trail and walked a mile and a half. Then I read another article in Poets and Writers, dozing as I did. Then I came to the dungeon, and for the last two hours have caught up on some writing forums and written two sets of passage notes for my harmony of the gospels.

I have much reading to do this evening, including an article on labyrinth weirs that I hope to finish and be able to do some calculations on tomorrow. I have some work time to make up due to using work time last week for our church parking lot project. Work looks to be very busy for a couple of weeks, between my regular CEI business and the pro-bono stuff for the church. So I won’t say the logjam that prevents me from writing is fully broken–but I can see clear water ahead.

My Income Taxes…

…are done! Put a fork in them. Finished the Federal last night; will have to pay a small amount. Not too bad considering Lynda’s stock trading made a decent profit. Of course, we have to move the maximum into our IRAs to get the taxes as low as possible. Finished the Arkansas state taxes about a hour ago; will get back a nice amount–not as good as last year, but several times over what I have to pay to the Feds. Had to figure it two different ways to determine which way was better. I’m a happy man.

Tomorrow I will copy and mail them. That’s actually a challenge, for due to businesses I have lots of attachments.

I’d like to get back to this blog with some kind of regularity, but alas a number of things have dropped while I was working on taxes, also due to having to work on my church’s parking lot rehab. For the rest of tonight I’ll simply say I have to spend some quality time with my checkbook, and make sure all is well there. Then there’s the kids and grandkid coming tomorrow, so there’s some prep work there. So I can’t spend much time here tonight, and probably not again till Friday night or even Saturday.

Oh, I will say that, after a significant drop over the Easter weekend, my page views are climbing nicely at Suite 101. The last three days have all been well above average with revenue as well. Maybe my stock trading tax articles and my Earth Day 40th anniversary articles are pulling their weight and more-so.

The Best Laid Plans

I planned on writing today. From the moment I got up and prepared for church–no, actually from last night when I got home from a adult Life teachers’ meeting and our weekly pilgrimage to Wal-Mart–I had writing on my mind. When we got home from church I grabbed Poets and Writers magazine, took it to the sun porch, and read until I fell asleep. This was all according to plan. I woke up from my nap, had a light lunch, and came down to the Dungeon to begin my writing.

What to write? Perhaps an article for Suite101, the second in my series on rain gardens? Maybe a couple of passage notes for the harmony of the gospels. Maybe even 500 or 1000 words on my novel. Or perhaps begin the writing on my next Sunday School series, on the sacraments. The latter, I thought. I had my study book, I had my lesson series outline, and looked at the computer.

There, showing on the bottom bar (the task bar?), was the Excel logo with four files active. What were all those files, I wondered. A simple click showed they were tax spreadsheet. Oh, shoot, I was supposed to finish the Federal taxes today, so I could hopefully do the State tomorrow and then my mother-in-law’s Tuesday/Wednesday.

So, I’m afraid writing is out the window for a few more days. The good news is my Federal taxes are done, except for figuring out the IRA contribution so I don’t have to write a check to the evil IRS, and proof-reading, math checking, printing, etc. So I’ll sign off and look to that. Writing, see you another time.

April Goals.

Late. Sparse. Not all writing related.

1. Replace my failing router. Do it tomorrow before rebellion occurs. Figure out how to install/configure/whatevertheheck ones does with a router.

2. Finish income taxes. Getting real close on the Federal haven’t started the state.

3. Do my mother-in-law’s taxes. Haven’t started.

4. Blog 10 times.

5. Write/publish 5 articles at Suite 101.

6. Work ten days on the Harmony of the gospels.

7. Somehow keep the dream alive.

The March Report

Good grief! I missed checking in on my March goals, and setting April goals. Here it is the 4th of April already. Okay, so here is the March report.

1. Blog 12 or more times. This seems a comfortable pace. I’d like to bump this up to about 16 posts a month, but will wait to make that a goal. >>> I bloggd exactly 12 times. Should have done more, but at least I made my goal.

2. Write and post 10 articles at I think I can do this. >>> I fell one short on this, posting 9 articles at Suite101.

3. Write 1,000 words on In Front of Fifty Thousand Screaming People. Almost made it in February; might as well try it in March. >>>Well, I did nothing on my novel this month. My attention was pulled to working on the Harmony of the Gospels, and much time that I could have put into the novel, or into Suite articles, instead went to the Harmony. And I’m okay with that. I really got a lot done on it.

4. Work on a new Bible study, about the sacraments. I may have an outline somewhere. I’ll be teaching it in about two months. Time to get to work. >>>I completed quite a bit of work on this. The outline of the lesson series is done; I have a good idea of what it is I want to accomplish; and I’m reading a book for research. I could be much farther along, but I feel good about this.

5. Make three freelance submissions. This is pretty minimal, but I’m working a lot on work stuff still, and will be making a presentation on the 31st and two or three brown bags during the month. I find the time needed to research freelance markets and actually make the submittals tedious, and for some reason if I’m heavy into work stuff, including taking stuff home, I can’t concentrate on freelance. Of course, a couple of the work things I’m working on could make good freelance articles about engineering. Hmmm. >>>Not quite sure how to count this. I made two freelance submissions–or I could count it as five, if I count the articles I submitted to a Suite101 contest as separate submissions. It’s really not as much as I hoped to accomplish.

6. Read 40 pages in writer helps, not including blogs. That’s forty solid pages, books or magazines (not including ads). I would say I read maybe 20 pages, not 40. The research into the Bible study took up much of my reading. That and working logically through my magazine and newsletters pile. The first issue of my subscription to Poets and Writers magazine is next on the pile; I should get to it tomorrow. So this will be an easy thing to do in April.

So, all in all a month with a fair amount of accomplishment, but not as much as I hoped for. Taxes got in the way (as they will in April), as did the church parking lot project (as it will in April also. I’ll come back in a few hours with April goals.

Thinking out loud: Is Suite worth it—for me?

The Suite mantra:
– Average $3.90 per 1000 PVs
– Average $1.00 to $2.00 per article per month
– Page views go up over time

If those are averages, then someone must be below that. It appears to be me in the extreme.

I just did an analysis on my page view statistics for articles I posted in June through October of last year, 57 articles. They are all evergreen, except perhaps for one article somewhat related to the US Independence Day that I posted July 2, 2009. I checked to see if my page views were going up over time. See the attached graph.

The only month that, in March 2010, had the most page views was my June 2009 articles, and that barely so. All the others peaked in October 2009, and have declined ever since. July articles are down 33 percent from their peak in October. Aug-Sep-Oct articles are down 50 percent since their peak in October. The graph shows a slight uptrend in 2010, but a very flat uptrend. So, as of right now, I conclude that I’m somehow not able to achieve the Suite mantra concerning rising page views over time. And, despite posting 36 more articles since the end of October, I’ve not come even close to the October highs with all articles counted.

Now, if revenue were good, I might ignore falling page views. But my present rate of $/article/per month is $0.13. Yes, a mere 13 cents per article per month. That’s my average for the last 30 days. In 2010 it’s been as high as $0.20 and as low as $0.08, but for the last month it’s been pretty stable at $0.13.

So, if I don’t post any more articles, and page views and revenues stay the same (i.e. the trend of declining page views stops), I can expect to earn $12.09 a month in residual income. My articles take about 2 hours to write, between research, writing, and the nuisance of finding, documenting, uploading, and captioning images. It would be nice to earn $15 per hour for this work. That’s kind of low, but it beats what I could earn delivering pizzas. For 93 articles published, and 2 hours per article, and $15 per hour, that would be $2,790. Based on what I’ve earned so far, including the $101 I earned for a contest, it will take me 216 months to get up to $15 per hour. 18 years. That doesn’t account for the time value of money. If I figured that in, I’ve no doubt it would be 40 years. If page views were increasing, I could perhaps ignore current revenue in favor of future prospects. But page views are going down.

Am I crazy doing this, writing for Suite, writing for Internet content? A Suite writer once wrote in the Suite forums that some people can’t or won’t write in topics that are lucrative enough to be successful at this. That seems to describe me. I can’t write about something about which I know nothing. Another wrote in the Suite forums that Suite 101 is not for everyone. I’m starting to think that includes me.

So, it seems this is the time to back off Suite and think about it. I’m going to write just the minimum, ten articles per quarter, and see if something turns around. If it doesn’t, I may drop out all together and just take the $12.09 a month and fill up the pick-up three times a year.

Way Too Busy

Well, the erosion control conference in Bentonville is over. I delivered my paper today to rave reviews. Well, one rave review, which I heard about later from the guy’s girlfriend, both former employees of our firm. I gave my site visit talk yesterday, to rave reviews. Well, two or three people complimented me on it. That’s all behind me.

Now I just have the church parking lot rehab project to fill my time. I’ve made at least one trip a day to view the work (2.7 miles each way from my office), even with a full time, volunteer inspector to assist me. Still lots of things I need to make decisions on. And the work has really just begun. The next two days they will be putting a temporary gravel finish to the part they have repaired so that on Easter Sunday the lot will be reasonably serviceable.

Then there’s the parking situation. I decided to arrive at church an half hour early last Sunday, to make sure parking attendants were present and knowing what to do. Only one was there (we need five to do it right) and he really wasn’t able to figure it out. So I stayed out there all the first service and a short time into Life Group hour, working the lot mostly by myself. Tonight it turned out we had the same thing. Two guys had responded to the call for volunteers, but they just stood together at the drive we didn’t want people to come in and chatted, occasionally waving people down to the alley entrance, while I worked the whole parking lot alone.

And I don’t mind helping in this way. But couldn’t those guys understand that their ministry was to help people park their cars, given that the construction has caused us to use unfamiliar entrances and traffic patterns? We didn’t need two guys standing together. We needed them spread out, helping people. It seems no one knows how to serve, no one knows how to use their common sense.

Oh, well, I shouldn’t write when I’m frustrated, nor when I’m emotionally and physically tired. I think I’ll go upstairs and read. If I can concentrate. I guess I’ll get to Easter Sunday services an hour early, cause the two things I can be sure of is a) the volunteer attendants won’t get there early enough, and b) once they do show up they won’t have the common sense to spread out, work together, and minister to those who only want to park and enjoy Easter services.

Reversal of Fortune

Well, the article that BiblioBuffet accepted is now rejected. A week after acceptance they e-mailed me requesting changes, saying, “You do have a wonderful topic here. But…it needs to be more you and less a college assignment.” I tried. I looked at it slowly, reading it over and over, finally coming up with a “patch”, an addition to it where I used words for the Carlyle-Emerson correspondence to express my feelings. No good, according to the editor. I received the e-mail this afternoon: “While I do find [your essay] well written it is missing…passion. I still see nothing of you in it. …There’s nothing that tells me…why you…or care about it. I am afraid I am going to have to decline to run this essay. …I urge you to continue with your writing group. Perhaps in a year or you might wish to try us again.

“A year.” That in itself speaks volumes.

Oh, well. But to what do I ascribe this failure? I’m wondering if the uber-objective viewpoint required by has caused be to think only in that mode and have trouble with the personal point of view and with creative writing. That’s a possibility. Or maybe I really want to write college essays rather than creative pieces. That’s a possibility. Or maybe I just don’t have it. Whether or not I turn out to be the hero of my writing career…blah, blah, blah.

Oh, well. Tonight, being in a bachelor mode with Lynda in OKC, I went to Barnes & Noble after work. I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket, and last time I was there didn’t find anything I really had to have. Tonight I picked up a remainders copy of Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters. Six hundred and eight-six glorious pages of his letters, plus index; a fair number of footnotes, and I love footnotes. This will be enjoyable reading for me, even given ACD’s spirituality issues. Into the reading pile with it; should get to it in late 2011.

I also looked in three writing magazines and culled some ideas. I’m wondering now how to approach my freelancing, or if I should just go back to novel and Bible study writing and see what I can do there. The good news is I made a whole $0.30 at Suite101 on Tuesday. Two tanks of gas per year for 72,000 words. Either I’m crazy or obsessed.

Book Review: How Now Shall We Live?

I’m not done with my taxes. Made little progress over a snowy weekend, but made excellent progress last night. So I now feel comfortable taking an evening to write things I enjoy, such as a book review of How Now Shall We Live? by Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcy [Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, ISBN 0-8423-1808-9]. I finished reading this on March 9, after having begun it Feb 11. I took a couple of more days to go through some of the notes that I skipped while reading, then brought it to the Dungeon to write my review. It sat docilely on my work table awaiting this day.

I picked this book up used, for $1.99, at some used book store. I bought it more because of Coulson’s name and having liked the two or three of his books I’ve read before. I didn’t really know what it was about, even from a little bit of reading on the dust jacket. It’s about world view, specifically Christian worldview. So it agrees with a buzz-word topic of the 00 decade.

The book was somewhat heavy to get through, despite Coulson’s and Pearcy’s attempts at lightness and levity. Points of what a Christian world view consists of are illustrated with personal stories, both true and made-up, of people who lived out certain points: the New York cop who walked a beat and made a difference as he modeled Christ to those he encountered (true); a Hollywood producer who had to make choices about his films (fictional); and others.

Those were good. Actually, there’s nothing wrong with the rest of the book. Coulson explains that everyone has a worldview, and that worldview must answer three primary questions:

Where did we come from and who are we?
What has gone wrong with the world?
What can we do to fix it?

This leads into the section titled per the book: How now shall we live (i.e., in response to answers to the first three questions)? Coulson and Pearcy do an excellent job presenting the Christian answers to the three primary questions, and backing those answers up with a variety of references, both scriptural and extra-scriptural.

The book has extensive notes, which serve as a sort of reference to the Christian worldview. In fact, the entire book is almost a reference book, rather than a reading book. Oh, you can’t just jump into the middle, find a subject, and expect to use the book in refuting arguments against non-Christian worldviews–that is, unless you’ve already read the book. If you have, then you can use it as a pure reference book, with the excellent notes, index, and bibliography.

I will come back another day and write some more about this, as I don’t think I’ve done it justice. It’s 491 pages of text (plus notes, bibliography, and index) are, as I’ve said before, a bit difficult to sit with and read it cover to cover. But I’ll give my standard wrap-up in this post, and save a more detailed analysis for another day. This book was definitely worth the price, and would have been at full price. It’s a keeper, and shall be permanently in my library among its Christian counterparts. If you have not read much on worldview, this would be an excellent book to start with. Read it with concentration, and unhurriedly.

I would write more, but I’m anxious to write several other things tonight, including a political piece on friend Chuck’s blog. The wife went to OKC today to help with daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. I went straight from work to critique group tonight, but was the only one to show up. Must have had my signals crossed. Now I must use the solitude wisely.

The Tax-Man Factor

Sorry for my absence of late. Been working on my income taxes, beginning with my writing income (or lack thereof) and expenses, followed by the stock trading business income and expense. We actually made money this year.

But I find this all consuming. Monday-Tuesday it took up the whole evening. I skipped church tonight (well, truck trouble had something to do with that) to do the taxes. I had one more thing to do to finish figuring the stock trading income, something that should have taken me all evening. However, I started it and five minutes into it realized the answer I was working towards was right there on the Fidelity brokerage statement. To be sure I contacted Fidelity, and the rep confirmed it. What I thought would take four hours took fifteen minutes.

With my evening thus relieved, I should have knuckled down and gotten to the expense side of the business taxes. However, my wind wafted into reading land. I went upstairs, cooked a simple vegetable supper, read some pages in an academic article about the canon of the scriptures, then went to work on editing my article for Biblio Buffet. A way to possible do what the editors wanted had come to mind today, and the found time seemed a good time to get that done. Fired it off a few minutes ago. We’ll see how it works.

So, tomorrow I get the pick-up back, and will get back on the taxes. I think one, possibly two, evenings to get the expenses done, then one more evening to actually fill out and print the business forms. Then the personal Federal forms will consume the weekend. I’ll take a week or a little more off and then hit the Arkansas taxes. No, wait, I need to get my mother-in-law’s done too, and this year she will likely owe taxes so I can’t turn them in late. Rats. Then there will be calls from someone who always needs my guidance for his taxes.

So, I may not be posting here at the frequency I like.

Author | Engineer