
In Front of Fifty Thousand Screaming People is moving quickly, now. Wed-Thus-Fri I added 5,970 words, which exceeds my goal for an entire week. The book is at 76,550 words. If 85,000 words is still a valid word count, then I’m only 10 days or so away from finishing.

The writing is going faster, now, accelerating. It helps that I’m in the end portion of the book. The dull middle is behind me. The second plot point is written and the protagonist is firmly into the quest. His two antagonists have fixed their courses. All will come to a head soon.

The middle portion of the book is supposed to be the most difficult to write and make interesting. So say many writers I’ve listened to. For me, it was the second half of the opening third of the book. Once I decided to sit down and write those chapters, I was able to get into the middle with no problem. Oh, I had to think about all the little calamities that befell the protagonist, and how to work in character arcs for some others, but for the most part the middle came out easily. It may not yet be as good as it needs to be, but I didn’t feel hindered in any way as I wrote.

These ending chapters, though, are just flowing like crazy. Sure I’ve thought through some of them, but not all. As I got to the end of one scene, I though Okay, what’s next? And I haven’t had any problem coming up with what’s next. Again, maybe when I look at the book as a whole and edit this first draft I’ll find some of it isn’t all that good, but at least it’s flowing.

I’m hoping to write 1,000 words today, and 3,000 tomorrow. That will put me close to 80,000 words, and I might be able to finish it the following week. It’s a good feeling.

And I’ll soon have to be deciding on my next project.

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