Dateline 3 January 2021
For the first time in many years, I start the new year with uncertainty as to what I want to accomplish in my writing. Perhaps this is a residual effect of the corona virus pandemic, which caused a general uncertainty in the world and made life difficult to plan. I didn’t get as much writing done in 2020 as I wanted to, not so much because of corona virus but because of being diverted to other things (health issue, de-cluttering work, letters transcription).
But, a writer who is publishing is running a business, which should have a business plan if it wants to be successful. So here is my plan. It’s a starting point. I will be thinking much about this over the early part of the year and may modify it based on further consideration.
These books have been waiting for the book that goes between them to be written. I’m finally back to working on it. Finish and publish The Teachings. A little over a week ago, I got back to serious work on this novel. As of today’s effort, I have 37,000 words in the first draft. If 80,000 is the minimum size of the book, I’m closing in on halfway done. But I don’t feel that the story is halfway done, so perhaps this will be a 90,000 word novel. Either way, at my current pace I could be done in mid-February, which means I might have the book ready to publish in April. For now, those are my goals.
- Write and publish one Sharon Williams story. Believe it or not the next story in my series Sharon Williams Fonseca: Unconventional CIA Agent, is starting to roll around in my brain. This is happening unsolicited. I’m not trying to think about it, yet the story is developing. That may be a sign that I should write the story this year.
- Write and publish one Documenting America volume. I’m planning for this to be Run-up To Revolution, covering 1761-1775, the documents that led to our rebelling against England. I did some reading for research in 2019 and a little more last year. I need to figure out where I was and see how quickly I could do this. Writing these volumes is always pleasurable, and I’m looking forward to this.
I know which Bible study I want to write and publish next, but it’s going to take some work. Not sure I’m quite ready to do that.. Write and publish a Bible study. I’ve planned out what I want the next one to be: Entrusted To My Care: A Study of 1st and 2nd Timothy. I have a fair number of notes on this, have taught it twice, and think I could do this one with the least amount of effort among all those I’ve developed. Yet, it would still be a pretty significant effort. This would be later in the year.
- Maintain a twice per week blogging schedule. The last two years have shown me I can do this. On occasion I may have to make a dummy post or even skip one, but for the most part I should be able to do this.
It’s been a long time since I wrote most of the poems in this, around 2005-6, I think. Write some poetry. The desire to write poetry again has become active, even if the words aren’t rolling around yet as they are for the short story. I know the poetry book I want to write. My question is: do I wait for inspiration to strike or do I apply some perspiration and just get on with the writing? That’s what I’ll be thinking about the next few weeks.
As I say, this is a start. For now I’m concentrating on my novel. Once I get that done, I’ll give this plan serious re-evaluation.
I admire your goals and commitment! I did all my “book writing” in a period of a couple of years and haven’t gone back to that — at least yet. One factor in that is that, each time I got a new book ready, the logistics (formatting, etc) seemed to have changed with Amazon. I’d love to read a post on how you handle that type of thing. For instance — do you write your books in word and then upload them, or what? Maybe you’ve written on this already and I’ve missed it.
Hi Susan. Thanks for the comment. I write in Word and, the newest versions of KDP’s uploading software allows you to upload Word files. For a while it was just .doc files, but now .docx is allowed. Since I’ve learned how the book needs to be formatted, I set up my document right from the first word and keep it properly formatted as I write. Thus, at the end of the book, I have little formatting to do, only to create the e-book if I formatted for print or the print book if I formatted for e-book as I wrote.
Very Ambitious! Retirement is great. At long last you can pursue your passion. Yours is writing, mine is the ROAM ministry.
Hi Daniel. Thanks for coming by and commenting. I have no building skills or I might join your ROAMing. My only building skill is demolition.