April Writing Progress; May Goals

The last day of April and my regular blogging day fell on the same day. It seemed like a good day to post my writing progress for April and goals for May that day, but then I decided to post that piece on harmony. It’s still close to the beginning of the month, so here it is. First, my April results.

  1. Publish The Teachings. All that is left are various publishing tasks, including: e-book TOC; adding two maps, one of which needs modification; writing the back cover copy; writing the Amazon page text; formatting the print book (well, the e-book too, which is far easier); and uploading to Amazon. I think this is very doable. This is done! I published the e-book on April 13 and the print book on April 25. It all went pretty easy.
  2. Republish the three earlier church history novels with new covers and a list of my works. One of the covers is ready. Hopefully the other two will be soon. This is not done. Too many things came up this month, both for me and the cover designer.
  3. Expand the church anniversary book to at least 15,000 words and hopefully 20,000 words. I made progress on this, but didn’t hit my word targets. I’m 13,300 words right now. I’m pleased with the progress, however, as I did a number of interviews with members of the congregations and began incorporating their information into the text.
  4. Blog twice a week. It’s doable. No travel planned this month. Did this.
  5. Do some research on the next Documenting America volume. I won’t commit to how much, but I have to get going on it. For my afternoon reading I have been reading for this research. I’ve done about 100 pages of reading so far, identifying documents to use in the book. I’ve searched for and found on-line a couple of these documents and loaded them into a file for the book. This is a long way away from truly starting on the book, but it is progress.
  6. Look again at the Bible study I was working on in February and early March, and decide if that is going to be my next book or if something else is. I spent some time on this, adding some words, perhaps settling on a format. I’ve decided that this probably is a viable project. I will be spending time on this next month.

So that’s April. What about May? I’m just now beginning to think of this month, but can say a few things based on last month.

  1. Republish the three prior books in the Church History Novels series. This will be the contents, adding information for the full series, including links to all the books. The switch of the covers to be consistent across the series may not happen this month, so the full process may take a little longer.
  2. Create, in Amazon KDP, a true series of these books. People have told me this is easy to do. After I get the content updated, I may tackle this, even if the covers aren’t ready to go yet. And, if I’m successful at that, I’ll create true series for my two short story series. And for the Documenting America
  3. Continue work on the church anniversary book. I’m not going to set a word goal, since I can’t seem to meet the word goals I set. By the end of the month I would like to have all my interviews done, information from those interviews worked into the book. I also want to have basic information added to all chapters.
  4. Continue work on the Bible study. In some ways, this is fill-in work when my mind can’t wrap around other writing tasks. That tells me that maybe my heart isn’t really in this project. Or maybe it means I simply need to get other things off my plate before I can really concentrate on it.
  5. Blog twice a week, Monday and Friday. I ought to be able to do this.
  6. Continue research reading for the next Documenting America I’ve read over 100 pages so far, with around 200 to go.

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