Book Review: Organic Disciples

Except for running a little long in places, this was an excellent book.

Our church recently did an all-church study of the book Organic Disciples. Our pastor preached on the concepts in the book, and all adult Sunday school classes (a.k.a. Life Groups) studied it.

What exactly are organic disciples, you ask? Well, in the food industry, organic means “natural”. In terms of discipleship, it would mean we should naturally grow/improve as disciples of Jesus.

The idea of organic disciples grew out or organic outreach. This is a ministry of Kevin and Sherry Harney, pastors of a large church in California. Organic outreach means natural outreach. Your life should be structured in such a way that reaching people with the gospel happens naturally. It is not forced, not a trial or burden, but a joy that comes from everyday living. The Harneys have a series of books, church resources, and small group resources designed to help with the concept of organic outreach. Organic Disciples is one of those resources.

The book focuses on six spiritual markers that the disciple can use to measure their progress on the road to being more Christ-like, which is the definition of a disciple. Such things as Bible engagement, prayer, worship, generosity, etc. are what marks a disciple. The book has chapters based on these concepts. Examples from the authors’ lives. Suggestions on how to make these items natural in your life.

The book I found to be useful and well-written. I found nothing to disagree with. The book stayed clear of politics and controversial subject. At times the discussion ran a little long.  I felt that several chapters were repetitive, or went into too much detail. But, overall, a good book. I give it 4-stars.

But as to keeping it? Alas, no. If I didn’t have a couple of thousand  other books to read, I might. But the likelihood of my ever reading it again is small. So to the donation piles it goes. Hopefully today it will go to one of the area thrift stores.


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