As I mentioned in my last post, several writing projects are at or near an end, and it’s time to start thinking about what’s next.
Last night and this morning, I believe I completed both the Amazon page description and the back cover copy for There’s No Such Thing As Time Travel. This is something I’m not particularly good at, these short descriptions aimed at “closing the sale” when someone is looking at my books. I like how it turned out in this case. I have high hopes for this book. Maybe these short descriptions will help.
As I said before, the church Centennial book is done, and print copies are in-hand. The church has been taking pre-orders, and this Sunday, distribution will start. I’ll be at the table where people will pick up pre-ordered copies or buy them that day. A presentation of the book will be made in the church service. I’ll get to man the table between first and second services.
Also as mentioned in the last post, I’m waiting on feedback on my completed Bible study before doing the last 25 percent of the second one. But next week, I think I will hop back on that project and start bringing it to completion, whether I get the feedback or not.
This week, I quickly wrote a couple of thousand words in a memoir-type piece that I’m contemplating writing. At present, it is titled Tales Of A Vagabond, but I’m not sure if that’s how it will end up. I’m not even sure it will be my next project. I wanted to have something for the Scribblers & Scribes writers’ group meeting last night, so I wrote that. It was well received, though of course I received valuable feedback should I want to continue with this. I guess I mentioned Tales Of A Vagabond in my last post as well.
So I’m not quite in between projects, but I continue to inch closer to that point. TNSTATT should be published within two weeks. The two Bible studies should be done in about a month. Centennial committee duties are almost over for me and will be over as of July 10. High school reunion is Aug 13. Somewhere, sometime soon, is my next writing project. Possibly I’ll take a week off.