Another Busy Day

Here it is, late on Friday afternoon, and I’m just now getting to my blog post. I have several posts started, but none close enough to complete to justify spending my currently limited brain capacity on.

I’m writing very little these days. Today is typical of that. I began the day, after devotions and prayer, transcribing and scanning old letters, putting them into Word files so I can get rid of the paper. I’m currently working on my old poetry notebook. I thought this was mostly critiques (which I also need to digitize) but it turns out, so far, to be mostly e-mails and IMs from what I call “the poetry wars” at Poem Kingdom and other places. The years covered are 2003-04-maybe 05. I’m able to “save-out” i.e. digitize close to 20 old emails a day and put those sheets in recycling.

This morning I got that done. I digitized 18 old e-mails. It seems like that’s not many. What I do is, after the scan is complete, I open the scan file in Word, save it as a Word docx to the right folder with the right, descriptive file name, and clean up the text. That means setting margins, eliminating formatting irregularities, changing the font, correcting outright scanner errors. So all this takes a little time, but that makes the file ready to be added to a collected correspondence file whenever I choose to do that—if ever.

I also, this morning, completed the inventory of the Stars and Stripes newspapers. This was specifically of the duplicates, which I am keeping and not donating to URI. Those duplicates are now in a box (a little bigger than necessary) and ready to be distributed to Dad’s descendants or kept by me. This special project is thus almost done. I only have to complete the boxing and decide if I want to ship them to URI soon or delay the donation to a future time, maybe sometime next year.

I also made my weekly run to Wal-Mart this morning, and almost got away without talking to anyone except the pharmacy clerk. Alas, the self-checkout station wouldn’t accept my dollar off coupon, and the cashier hoverer had to help me.

I got some time in the sunroom, most of which went to a nap (after sleeping less than optimally last night). Lynda and I took a walk on one of our easier trails this afternoon. I went 1.64 miles, her less. That was mostly in the shade with a nice breeze, and was pleasant.

The good day will not be marred by my having to go prepare supper. The microwave decided to die after just three years of service, so I am having to cook the old fashioned way and not really enjoying it. Tonight will be simple hamburgers, tomorrow frozen pizza, I guess.

Well, this isn’t much of a post, but it’s all my mind can take right now. Hopefully Monday I’ll complete my three-part book review. I have others lined up in the queue.

Oh, the other good news: Went for labs yesterday, with the result posted today. My A1C was down to 6.1!

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