January 6, 2021 – Part 2

So, in my last post I laid out the things I wanted to know, what I was able to learn, and what I haven’t been able to learn. In my research I’ve been really surprised at the difficulty of getting the facts. Even just the number of people at the rally and the number of attackers. That should be easy to find, but it’s not. I’m going to interrupt this post and go look for that again. Be back in a minute. … Neither the New York Times, CNN, or Wikipedia indicate the number of people involved. One Wiki reference say it’s impossible to know how many people were at the rally. Sure, estimating a number of people is difficult, but estimating ranges are possible. Why has no one estimated how many were 1) at the rally, 2) showed up at the Capitol to protest, 3) took part in violence at the Capitol, and 4) actually entered the Capitol? I think these numbers are very important to draw conclusions about what happened and why.

We know what happened: Following a Trump rally, a mob showed up at the Capitol, became violent, breeched barricades and thin law enforcement lines, entered the Capitol, and vandalized it. The various chants and statements reported indicated that they intended to do harm to members of Congress. Maybe that’s so, maybe it’s bravado. I’m glad that MOCs and VP Pence were protected from harm.

I’m suddenly tiring of discussing this. About two weeks after the attack I had come to the conclusion that the thing was pre-planned. I see now that the FBI and other groups have come to the same conclusion. Obviously, if it was pre-planned it wasn’t incited by the president’s speech that morning. That doesn’t mean, however, that Trump’s rhetoric over the period between the election and the speech didn’t move the attackers to plan it out. I don’t know if we’ll ever know that for sure.

I don’t wish ill on any MOC. But I find their indignation over the attack of their own building to be too little too late. They care about themselves, not us. When their overpaid asses are in harm’s way they demand protection. But when your little building is being burned they could care less. They talk about the Capitol being a “sacred” place and they believe it. Sorry, but it’s not sacred. Or, if it is, we have let the government become way too powerful. To me the Capitol is just a building, like any other. It’s no more sacred than Jane’s Nail Salon or Tony’s Pizza Shop. All should be protected. But that’s just violence against property, some say, which is different than violence against people. I understand that 23 people were killed in riots in 2020 and over 2,000 were injured. Many of those were business owner’s whose only sins were to be located in the wrong place and try to defend what they had taken a lifetime to build. Others were law enforcement officers, trying to keep the peace. Others were protesters themselves. 2,000 people injured, 23 dead. So don’t tell me that was violence against property.

I’m more than ready to get rid of every member of Congress and start fresh. Their hypocrisy is overwhelming. I’m so tired of them.

And tired of the news media who filter the news and keep us from learning the truth. Please understand. I’m not saying that the media is involved in a conspiracy, that they colluded to withhold any facts that might be favorable to President Trump. I don’t believe they are guilty of collusion or conspiracy, but that they are guilty of groupthink. In their hatred of Trump they all think alike, they all do the same things. So yes, I think the media purposely misled the nation.

So we have a Congress more concerned about their own house and person than your house and person. And we have a news media more concerned with their own agenda than telling the truth. And this is why I believe the U.S.A. is on its way downhill.

One thought on “January 6, 2021 – Part 2”

  1. I appreciate your thoughts on this. I agree with your sentiments. I used to listen to both conservative radio and NPR and was interested to hear both sides. Now they are both so polarized and vitriolic that I can’t stand to listen to either. In congress, the hypocrisy on both sides of the isle is frustrating. I mostly just keep to the opinion that the best hope for our society is still the local church, and my best efforts to help reside there.

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