After 44 years as a civil engineer, including many of those as a senior engineer and corporate trainer of engineering for CEI Engineering Associates, Inc. David retired at the end of 2018. It has been only a partial retirement, however, as he has continued to do work on an hourly basis for CEI. Due to some staffing issues, they have used him a lot these last two years. This year he trained a young engineer to take over the work for one client and, as of November 2020, his engineering work has greatly reduced. Perhaps full retirement is now on the horizon.

His experience as a consulting civil engineer includes water, wastewater, stormwater, roads, and solid waste infrastructure. For much of the last 28 years as a full-time he was been involved with stormwater issues, including floodplain analysis and modification. Specifications and construction administration were a specialty of his within civil consulting engineering . He has BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering, is a registered engineer in four states before taking retired status, and a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control.
He prepared a number of technical papers and presented them at engineering conferences. He taught many, many training classes. And he wrote engineering articles for both print and on-line engineering publications. See the subpages for each of these areas.
Past Blog Articles
Read my past blog posts on a variety of engineering topics.
Engineering Papers Presented
A list of the technical engineering papers I’ve authored and published.
Engineering ARTICLES
A list of the engineering conference papers I’ve presented.
Engineering Classes Taught
A list of the engineering training classes I’ve taught.