
Yesterday was a special day at church: our pastor’s last Sunday. Their good were packed on Saturday, all but the furniture, which ten of the younger men were going to load up Sunday afternoon and so they are off. To Columbia Tennessee, an outer suburb of Nashville. To a larger church in our denomination.

We had Mark and Kelly for almost seven years, and little Ivan for less than two. No one suspected this was coming, as everyone was happy with Mark and hoped he would be our pastor for years to come. Unlike past pastoral changes, I had no inkling of this coming. Previously I’ve been able to sense that a pastor’s ministry was drawing to a close in the congregations I attended. This time, not so. The transition was abrupt.

Transitions happen in life all the time. Not always as momentous as a pastoral change, but they happen. I wrote once before in this blog about this, using the words of Pamela Tudsbury, a character in Herman Wouk’s Winds of War and War and Remembrance: “Some moments weigh against a lifetime.” I’ve had a few such moments in my life, but it seems to me that transitions often happen gradually. Condition A changes to Condition B. You’ve been in Condition A for a long time. Then one day you wake up and realize you’re in Condition B. How did it happen?

I’m in the midst of two such transitions right now. At CEI, it appears my time as a corporate trainer is drawing to a close, and I’m transitioning back to being a project manager. I have no official word of that; in fact, my supervisor hasn’t talked to me about my status since the last round of layoff last month. With those staff cutbacks we are no longer large enough to either need or support a full-time trainer. Every week I find my time more and more consumed with managing project, less with training issues. Is this a permanent situation? Stay tuned.

The other transition is in my writing “career”. But this transition is confusing at the moment, the ultimate direction not yet clear. I haven’t worked on a novel for about three months. I wrote only one Suite 101 article in April, three so far in May, with one more in draft status, one other in research status. I’ve written no other freelance articles during that time, nor submitted anything. Poetry no longer comes to me either by inspiration or perspiration. I continue to monitor writing blogs and forums, and of course keep up this blog. In the last month I’ve critiqued only one poem at Absolute Write, doing it last Friday.

So what’s going on with my writing? Am I losing my desire to write? Ideas still come to me, and I capture some of them. Ideas for improving works I’ve already written but not yet published still come. I’m still spending a little time researching markets and marketing methods, as well as studying the craft. But as to actual writing, very little accomplishment.

The problem with transitions in progress is recognizing the start, middle and end. It’s kind of like a stock chart. After the price movement is over, the signals that it was going to make that move are obvious, but as the movement is in progress, one doesn’t see it, or refuses to believe that’s what’s happening.

With this writing transition, all signs seem to be pointing to this as the cause: The dream is dead. I don’t want to believe that. I’d rather believe it’s just the busyness of life in these couple of terribly busy months. But I’m afraid it’s the other. The key piece of evidence, of course, is that I haven’t submitted anything to potential markets. I have enough things written that I could be submitting constantly. But it seems the work of making the final selection of the market(s) and actually going through the motions of making the submittal, just don’t excite me, and so I don’t do it.

So where is this transition taking me? I don’t know. Stay tuned.

Rain and Progress

As I drove to work today the rain began, about halfway from Bella Vista to Bentonville. By the time I reached the office, about 6:50 AM, a downpour had passed and light rain was falling. The winds were really gusting, however. This cheered me up. Although I knew the rain meant no work would be done on the parking lot project, it also meant I could spend the day in the office, getting things done. Plus, rain usually perks me up.

So I stayed in the office, and I got stuff done. My Centerton flood map revision is fully recalculated, and the revised map further revised, and ready for the CAD tech to do when he gets back on Monday. Tomorrow I’ll print the report, then start on the next flood study project.

Several items on the big street construction project I’m watching in substitution for our out-of-the-country department head had a few things go right today (paperwork, of course, since the rain prohibited site work). I answered a couple of e-mails that had sat in my in-box for several days. By the end of the day a load had been lifted from my shoulders. Part of that was making a difficult report to the church trustees on Wednesday. With that behind, and a number of major office tasks completed, the load finally lifted. I left the office about 5:20 PM, and for the first day in over a week I was not the first man in and last man out.

Today I went through a stack of mail, much of it junk but some of it keepers. I read a newsletter, slightly reducing my periodical reading pile. And I filed, in my filing cabinet, this year’s taxes that had been sitting around on the work table in the Dungeon.

I still have a killer workload, but it feels better. I’m going to write a passage note for the Harmony of the gospels before I look at stocks. That will be the first writing I’ve done (well, except for this blog) in about two weeks.

The End is not Yet

I can’t believe how busy I am. Even while in Oklahoma City this last weekend to celebrate my grandson’s birthday, and Mother’s Day, I had much to do with the church parking lot–e-mails and figuring. By Saturday evening I was mentally exhausted, and sat down to watch Saturday Night Live, something I haven’t done since 1974. And something I won’t do again for perhaps another 36 years. What a disgusting show.

Work is very busy. I have no time to write, no time to read for pleasure. No time to exercise. No time to keep up this blog. I’ll keep trying. The first glimmer of light should pop up around the 19th.

A Conversation With the Publishing Industry

Me: Self-explanatory

PI: the publishing industry

Me: I’m an unpublished author. May I submit my manuscript?

PI: Whoa! Maybe a proposal. But only if you’re willing to do the lion’s share of marketing for the book.

Me: Me do that marketing? Well, okay. When the time comes tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Now may I submit my manuscript–I mean a proposal for my book?

PI: Not so fast. As an unpublished author, you’d better have a darn good platform if you want to be taken seriously by our industry.

Me: Um, okay, I’ll go off for a while and build a platform.


Me: I’ve got a blog.

PI: Not good enough, unless you’ve got thousands of unique visitors a week.

Me: I’ve had a little freelance success.

PI: Ha! Come back when you’ve got fifty to 100 articles in print magazines.

Me: Well, I’ve got close to 100 articles published with an on-line, royalty paying publisher, getting read at the rate of 95,000 times per year.

PI: On-line? Ha! Don’t waste our time.

Me: How about a query? May I submit a query letter?

PI: Do you have a marketing plan?

Me: I’ve put a lot of thought into audience and how to reach them.

PI: A WRITTEN marketing plan?

Me: No.

PI: Have you been to marketing classes? Especially targeted to book marketing–no, actually to marketing your type of book?

Me: No.

PI: Don’t waste your postage, or our bandwidth.

May the Fourth Be With You

My attitude is definitely better today. The parking lot is paved! I spent about 5 hours there at the church, watching the work, keeping the contractor honest, and participating in the few decisions that needed to be made. Around the corner and across the street, the old derelict house is down! My chasing down the last permit yesterday provided some fruit. It should all be hauled off tomorrow, and hopefully the lot dressed up.

Back at the parking lot, the next three days will be quite busy and eventful, as they clean and seal-coat the south part of the lot, then maybe on Friday they can stripe the whole thing, weather permitting. Also tomorrow they should pour the new concrete entrance, replace some sidewalk, and maybe even replace the old exit with new concrete. It’s a lot to do, but they might just make it.

I was supposed to spend some time tonight working on the contractor’s pay application, but a large chunk of my available time was taken up with a call from our son. I hadn’t spoken with him for quite some time (a month perhaps?), so there was much to get caught up on. So my writing time and contractor pay application time for tonight are gone.

My work in general is fixin’ (as the locals say) to get really busy, as our Transportation Dept. head goes on an 11 day foreign mission trip and I pick up his work. So writing time will be virtually non-existent for the next two weeks, except maybe for working on my new Life Group lesson series. I’ll try to keep up on blog posts, maybe even increase them, but no promises.

I’m Still Tired

Today was an emotionally draining day. The contractors won’t show up for work either at a decent hour or at all, and the church parking lot remains a patchwork of asphalt strips and gravel base course that now needs to be re-graded and re-rolled. The City shut down our house demolition project for lack of a $50 tax–I mean permit. We had our State permit, but I didn’t know a city permit was needed as well.

Those two things threw me for a loop, even as I got back on one of my three flood studies and found out it may not be as bad as I thought it was. Perhaps less work, although I will have to have a CADD technician help me with the mapping. How nice it would be to know AutoCAD.

So I’m still not able to write much, here or anywhere. Be patient with me, and I’ll be back.

Although, the dream has taken several steps closer to the graveyard.

I’m Tired

It’s been an energy-sapping, emotions-draining, mind-numbing kind of week. I’ve been dealing with the plagiarism issue I wrote about on Monday. That’s taken care of for me, but a number of my colleagues at Suite 101 are still dealing with it.

The church parking lot project just drags on and on. The contractor who is supposed to do the paving has said every day he would be there first thing in the morning, finish the last little grading, and then schedule asphalt deliveries. He didn’t show at all Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday his grader operator came. He worked an hour or so, left the site in marginally better condition but not even close to ready to lay asphalt on, and went off to smoke crack, or whatever it is he does the other 23 hours in the day. Today I called his boss at 10:00, and he said he had a crew en route and had just been waiting on the asphalt plants to “fire-up today”. I told him the site was not ready for asphalt. He said he’d come by, which he did, and between him and the crack-head they got the site ready for asphalt. Of course, rain is forecast for tomorrow, so that means most likely we’ll have another Sunday with the lot unfinished. And my credibility in the tank.

The labyrinth weir project drags on and on. We got something done on it today (around 6:00 PM), and I can see the end in sight, but there a many conference calls to go before I sleep. Meanwhile, our transportation department head is leaving for a foreign missions trip next Thursday, and I’ll have to do his work for 12 days. Oh, and the man who is volunteering his time watching my parking lot job is gone for 10 days beginning tomorrow. Then there’s my two flood studies I really need to get finished, and another one I’m supposed to start.

Of course, this is the peak season for yard work right now. If it doesn’t rain Saturday, I’ve got a couple of wheelbarrows full of oak pollen to pick up and remove, gutters of pollen to clean, and two right-of-way strips to mow–oh, and weeds to pull from the rock yard. Or maybe I’ll just spray, and say to heck with environmentalism for a weekend.

I sure don’t see time to write for the next two weeks, except whatever I can sneak in here.

Dealing with Internet Plagiarism

Today I spent considerable free time (and in truth some employer time) dealing with plagiarism of one of my articles. On March 25, 2010 I posted Environmental Progress in the 1960s – the Courts to Around April 16 I did a check for plagiarism, selecting five articles at random. I do this by selecting a phrase or sentence somewhere in the middle of the article, and search for it using Google. Well, actually, before that I search for the article title through Google.

On this day I found my article posted at It had the full article, including attribution to me, the links included in my article, some links to Suite 101 internal pages (daily posts and writer’s bio), even the Google ads embedded in the middle of the article, and even the Suite 101 contest code I put at the bottom of the article. The scraper didn’t even bother to clean up the article or disguise it before he stole it.

I couldn’t find a “contact us” link on the site. A whois search revealed the site owner’s address, phone number, and e-mail, so I sent him an e-mail request that he remove my copyrighted material from his site. It bounced. I called the number of the owner, in Metarie LA. It wasn’t his phone no. I didn’t particularly want to spend 44 cents plus the cost of an envelope on a printed Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice, so I sent Google a complaint, hoping they would pull their ads from the rogue site. I received an auto-responder e-mail, saying my complaint would be investigated, but it might take some time.

I visited the site every couple of days only to find my article still there. In searching a little deeper I found the article of another Suite 101 writer there, also apparently stolen, and e-mailed that author. I also posted an alert to the Suite 101 forums.

Today I went back to the site for the first time in about a week and saw my article still there. I checked whois again–same wrong info. At the site I saw a link I’d missed before–the site’s privacy policy page. I clicked it and saw it had a different e-mail address. So I sent off an e-mail asking that the stolen material be withdrawn. Within fifteen minutes I had a response: he pulled the work he stole from me, and I confirmed it was so.

In digging deeper I found articles from eight other Suite 101 writers, all verbatim. I e-mailed a number of those, and updated my thread at the Suite 101 forums. My intent was, once he pulled my article, I would cancel the Google complaint. However, having found nine articles there, and with other Suite writers finding copyrighted photos and some of their articles at other web sites he runs, I think I’ll just leave the Google complaint in place.

This kind of operation is called “scraping”–pulling copyrighted material, posting it on your own site, hoping the original authors don’t see it, and hoping you make enough from Google ads and/or page views to make it all worthwhile. The DMCA was written to prevent this sort of thing, but it takes the authors whose copyright is being infringed to police it. So we Suitees (as we call ourselves) have banded together in a posse to either put this guy out of business or severely inhibit his ability to make money: no Google ads, no easy income.

And it’s too bad, because some of the articles he has posted make a lot of sense. I would like to read some of the material he has posted, but I don’t particularly want to support his site.

Logs Loosened, Logs Added, the Jam is Still

Well, the reference book about labyrinth weirs I’ve been waiting for arrived today, just a half-hour before the third conference call in four days about the problem. A quick review of the most critical chapter in the book confirms that our weir is under-designed, and won’t pass the flow intended. At the conference call, everyone seemed pleased with the progress. But tomorrow I will have to tackle the book in earnest, and work on some solutions.

The big negative for the day was my Centerton Little Osage Creek flood study. As I reported Monday I figured out the mistake in the printing and got the reports printed correctly. That was good. Unfortunately, when I checked the spread of the flood in the model it did not match what we show on the mapping. That’s bad. That means I’ve got to figure out if the model is wrong, or if the mapping is wrong. But I’m supposed to have the exact same topography in the model as is on the maps. So how the heck can the spread of the flood be 50 percent different? More logs added to the pile.

The church parking lot continues to progress nicely. Of course, I’m getting queries about it from all quarters, along with some advice. Still, it’s not bad. I’ll have to go to the site early tomorrow (more time away from my job) and make a couple of decisions. But either tomorrow or Friday we should have asphalt down, if the rain is not too bad.

Writing goes well. I continue to read in Poets and Writers, finally getting past the features into the regular columns, several of which include advice for writers. I’ll get through at least one of those tonight. My actual writing has been confined to passage notes for the Harmony of the gospels. I’ve written seven sets of passage notes since Sunday. I’ll get two more done tonight, then may pull off for a while and work on my next Life Group lesson series.

I’m back in a routine, getting stuff done. I’m not writing creatively, nor reading for pleasure, but it’s still a routine, still a good groove.

A Couple of More Logs Loosened Today

The rains held off, which means the contractor for our church parking lot project was able to get some good work done. Which means he is working towards laying asphalt on Thursday. Which means the project might be finished by the end of next week. Today I helped him layout the new entrance to be cut in. Tomorrow I’ll give him sketches on the rain gardens to be added. A log loosened from the logjam. Oh, and I called the second contractor, the one who is to demolish an old house across the street where we hope to add some overflow parking. A small log loosened.

Today I was able to figure out why the floodplain modeling results were not displaying correctly on the Little Osage Creek project in Centerton. FEMA had given me comments concerning this, thinking the results were wrong. I was pretty sure that the results were correct, but that for some reason the output tables were not displaying properly. I made little progress on it last week. Today I took more than an hour to go through some program manuals and some sample projects, and figured it out. By 5:00 PM I had printed a very nice looking encroachment table, with the right results. Tomorrow I should be able to get it turned in again. A log loosened from the logjam.

This evening I brought some work home, the printouts of the outside peer review of the labyrinth weirs on the project I’m not supposed to talk about–some kind of confidentiality agreement they failed to mention to me until the last couple of days. I worked on the calculations the peer reviewer presented. The calcs were correct, but his presentation of the key equation had a typo in it, repeated in two places. In the morning I’ll inform him of his error, with gladness in my heart. Unfortunately, if when the reference I ordered arrives I learn that he rightly applied the equation and variables and adjusting constants, it will show that our design won’t work as intended. Still, this is another log loosened.

This evening I found time to read a couple of articles in Poet and Writer, working my way slowly through the issue. The next one has come, so I need to get on it. Then I came downstairs and completed two sets of passage notes for the Harmony of the gospels, and began a third before breaking to write this post. This makes two nights in a row I returned to my routine from before tax time. Two days doesn’t make a pattern, but I came close to that pattern on Saturday. This isn’t writing that is likely to ever lead to publishing, but it’s writing, it’s enjoyable, it’s Bible study, and it feels good. Another log loosened.

I’m not sure when I can declare the logjam broken apart and floating downstream, but it’s getting closer. Probably not till the parking lot project is finished and I fully make up the time I’ve been siphoning off from my employer’s expectations. I worked three hours at home the last two days. I probably have another 6 to 8 to go before I’m back even. When I finish this mag there’s many more to go. Plus the m-i-l’s taxes. I think once I get back on those, probably in a week, and get them done, I will declare the jam broken and the river running free.

Author | Engineer